Dark Phoenix: Is there a post-credit scene?



Do you have to stay after the movie for a surprise?

By Jim Vejvoda

Dark Phoenix arrives in theaters this weekend, which means you may be wondering if there is a post-credit scene? While X-Men movies are only intermittently included after generic scenes – such as Days of Future Past and Apocalypse – they do not look like Marvel Cinematic Universe movies in terms of surprises on credit scenes.

And with the X-Men now part of the Disney empire, the current franchise ends with Dark Phoenix (and, yes, The New Mutants of 2020 is the latest movie related to X to be released by 20th Century Fox. )

All this to answer the question, should you stay until the end of the closing credits for any surprises or tips on what the future might hold for X-Men?

In a word, no. There is no scene after credits in Dark Phoenix.

Nevertheless, if you are a fan of X-Men, while you have already spent the same year on the series, why not stay until the end to appreciate the hundreds of people who worked on the film?

To learn more about Dark Phoenix, discover the truth about Jessica Chastain's villain, check out the latest Easter egg from X-Men movies, read or watch our review, stay informed about each Rotten Tomatoes score in X-Men, take Knowing the highlights of the Dark Phoenix saga of comics, find out how the X-Men franchise has paved the way for the MCU, watch the cast respond to comments from IGN and see Sophie Turner MadLib go through the film's screenplay.


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