Dave Chappelle to host first SNL after election


Dave chappelle

Dave chappelle
Photo: Paul Morigi (Getty Images)

Lorne Michaels and NBC are apparently unfamiliar with the idea of ​​”tempting fate”, otherwise they absolutely wouldn’t do what they are doing with next week’s post-election episode. Saturday Night Live: As announced last night (via Deadline), next week’s episode will be hosted by none other than Emmy-winning Dave Chappelle for hosting the first episode after the 2016 election. So it’s obviously a tradition now, but I hope that “Chappelle SNL is the only thing this has in common with his 2016 episode. They Might Resurrect Sketches or whatever (the 2016 episode had a brilliant “Inside SNL”Post-sketch analysis sketch which was funny enough that it should have been sunk into the ground by now), but we’re talking about… you know, what happened a few days before the broadcast of the episode that started three of the years of misery and then another year that taught us that we didn’t even know the meaning of that fucking word.

Hell, broadcast an episode at all next week looks like a very daring called move. It was not originally on the calendar, but SNL expanded to an unprecedented six-week show series without any week in order to be able to broadcast an episode on November 7. the bad thing happens, who’s going to be in the mood for jokes? Chappelle did a good job last time around, but Trump was yet to take office. There was still a chance that things weren’t as bad as we had all assumed, but in the years since, things got even worse than many people thought. Chappelle won’t be able to say “we’re going to give you a chance as long as you give people like me a chance” (like he did last time), because Trump already had his shot and he used it. to separate children from parents at the border and oversee the deaths of 231,000 Americans as if they wanted to say nothing. There’s a chance the bad thing won’t happen, obviously, but if you’re feeling upbeat, we’d love to know where you’ve been in the past four years and if we can reach you in a few days.

Anyway, SNLThe announcement tweet didn’t mention a musical guest, so maybe Chappelle is doing double duty for some reason. Also, let’s not talk about some of the other Things Chappelle did recently and just focus on the elections for now. We can only handle so much.


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