Dave Grohl and Rick Astley surprise the London club with a live-roll


A real Rick-Roll is 100 times better than a Rick-Roll Internet.

Foo Fighter leader Dave Grohl and 80's favorite singer on YouTube Rick Astley performed a surprise series at the Moth Club in London on Friday night, including the infamous "Never Gonna Give You Up" song. Astley.

Images and videos circulated on the Internet and it seems that everyone had a good time. How could you not?

Here is another angle:

Grohl did not expect such a reaction from the crowd and ended up playing five songs, including four with Astley on drums, according to an article on NME. With "Never Gonna Give You Up", the band played some of the biggest hits of the Foo Fighters, including "Times Like These" and "Best of You".

The surprise appearance of the legendary musicians marked the return of the NME Club, a weekly event featuring new independent artists and great surprise shows (such as Friday's show).

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