Dave Loebsack, Democratic Representative, Retires in 2020


Dave Loebsack

"I have benefited beyond my expectations to serve the people of Iowa's second district for the past 13 years," said Rep. Dave Loebsack in a statement. | David Greedy / Getty Images

The Democratic Representative, Dave Loebsack, announced today that he would retire to the House at the end of his term, potentially risking a competitive race for the 2nd Congressional District of the United States. Iowa in 2020.

The Loebsack District, which he will represent for 14 years as he leaves Congress, has gained 4 percentage points from President Donald Trump in 2016, although he has been a strong Democrat in other recent presidential elections. The district was one of 55 initial goals announced by the Republican National Campaign Committee in February.

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"Having grown up in poverty, I would never have imagined having the honor of being Iowans' spokesperson in the US House of Representatives," Loebsack said in a statement. a statement. "To best achieve this goal, I have made it a point to meet people where they live, work and play to improve their lives. I have worked hard to make sure that all Iowans have the floor. "

"In my first election, I had planned not to serve more than 12 years," continued Loebsack. "However, after Donald Trump assumed the presidency, it became clear that I had to run for at least one additional term in the hope of being able to control his worst impulses. At present, there are nearly two years left for this mandate and I look forward to playing a significant role in the new majority in the House, not only to prevent President Trump from suffering further damage, but also to help prepare the ground for a new democratic president. to be inaugurated in January 2021. "

In a statement, NRCC spokesman Chris Pack described the Democratic Party as a haven of socialism and said that with the departure of the outgoing president, the Loebsack District "would immediately become an exceptional opportunity for Republicans in 2020 ".

The Republican campaign group of the House plans to use socialist etiquette against all vulnerable democrats in 2020 – even though their voting record differs from that of new liberal stars such as representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ( DN.Y.). In Iowa, the NRCC is also targeting new democratic representatives Abby Finkenauer and Cindy Axne, who overthrew two GOP-controlled districts in 2018.

The announcement of Loebsack comes as a number of Democrats occupying seats on the battlefield have seen major fundraisers during the first three months of the year. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee also raised a record amount for the first quarter of a sabbatical year, raising $ 32.5 million.

"In the run-up to 2020, the DCCC is leading a dynamic effort to strengthen and develop our new democratic majority," said DCCC President Cheri Bustos in a statement. "As a Midwestern citizen who shares a border with Iowa's second congressional district, I am confident that we will appoint and elect a democrat worthy of his successor, Mr. Loebsack."

Democrats currently hold a 235-seat majority in the House after overturning 40 seats in 2018 to take control of the chamber.


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