Days Gone's photo mode is a ton of fun


Can you really qualify a new AAA production game unless it has some kind of photo mode? This is the philosophy that seems to be that of Sony in recent years, Horizon Zero Dawn being the first time to start the trend, if I remember correctly. Days Gone is the latest PS4 exclusive with its own wallpaper producer. This game is perhaps one of the most fun of the game.

Although it lacks features (the ability to select some of the most important preset filters), there are many ways to make Days Gone's dark world a little brighter, starting with Deacon itself. The "unusual" protagonist usually only has two modes – assassination and riding – but Days Gone's photo mode allows him to be in touch with his light side, as you can see below.

Days spent in photo mode 2

Days spent in photo mode

Days past photo mode 5

You can also kiss his dark side and audition for the restart of Sons of Anarchy if you wish.

Wolf's past days
Beat the ass of a wolf to death

As you can imagine, in an open world AAA, Days Gone does not skimp on the superb panoramas it offers.

Days spent in photo mode

Days spent in photo mode

Days spent in photo mode

Days Gone's photo mode is intuitive, though I'm damned if I know what's the right aperture, or how to use the contrast properly without making it look like a MySpace profile photo. There are options for executives who, although far from being as interesting as in Marvel's Spider-Man, bring a little extra.

It's good to keep in mind that these images have actually been compressed a few times. They do not reflect how much a game Days Gone can be pretty at a time. The facial animations are excellent and the enemies detailed enough, so it's a pity that the game also has a lousy side.

I play Days Gone right now and have a good time. It does not blow me at all, but yes, that's good. And you? Did you pick up the game?

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