DC introduces a new wrinkle in classic continuity | GamesRadar +


On Tuesday, February 23, DC presents the Linearverse – a new way to look at the publisher’s 82-year-old story. Part of the new expanded Multiverse concept introduced in January Dark Nights: Death Metal # 7 called the Omniverse in which every DC story ever told is a sequel, the Linearverse ironically removes the need to know why the DC Multiverse was created. in the first place.

You have questions? Don’t worry, we’ll explain it to you in detail. But first …

Spoilers for February 23 Generations: Forged # 1

generation coverage: Forged # 1 (Image credit: DC)

Generations: Forged # 1 by writers Dan Jurgens, Andy Schmidt and Robert Venditti is the second half of a story that began with a prologue in Detective Comics # 1027 and continued in January Generations: Shattered # 1. A Kind of an Avengers Forever-ish adventure, the story features a team of DC superheroes drawn from different timelines, including the original 1939 Batman just weeks into his career, assembled to fight a villain who clears time (for reasons that are a bit similar to what happens in Disney Plus’s WandaVison).


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