De Blasio is the choice of its president in Iowa: poll


The mayor of Blasio did not even participate in a new poll in Iowa that shows that former Vice President Biden's support has lost support, but Pete Buttigieg has emerged as one of the Democratic candidates for the presidency of Iowa.

De Blasio, who campaigned in Iowa this weekend, and Wayne Messam, Mayor of Miramar, Fla., Were the only two candidates in the group of 23 who were not among the first or second picks of the president in the Des Moines register. / A CNN poll was released Saturday night.

"There has always been a question mark as to how many candidates (candidates) can get real traction," said J. Ann Selzer, president of Selzer & Co., who conducted the investigation. . "And we gave them every opportunity to show that they had a sort of constituency here. But there are many who do not have a big riding. "

De Blasio will attend a major fundraiser for the Democratic Party Sunday night at Cedar Rapids, skipping the Puerto Rican holiday parade, the first mayor to have missed the celebration.

Biden is still in the lead with 24% of support from likely caucus supporters, but is down from the December survey where he had 32% support, the poll said.

The race in second place is a series of statistics: Senator Bernie Sanders (16%), Senator Elizabeth Warren (15%) and the Mayor of South Bend (Indiana) 14%.

The survey shows that Warren and Buttigieg both rose strongly after only 9% and 1% respectively in March.

Senator Kamala Harris of California is the only other candidate among the candidates with significant support at 7%.

The poll took place between June 2 and June 5, before Biden turned to take a position on the Hyde amendment, which banned federal funding for most abortions.

Last Thursday, he spoke against the amendment.

The Iowa caucuses will be held on February 3, 2020.

The survey surveyed 600 people likely to attend the Democratic caucus. It has a margin of error of plus / minus 4%.


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