De Blasio mocks late-night guests who scoff at his candidacy for the presidency


New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio shrugged "The late night comics do not bother me" on Tuesday after being beaten by hosts since the night of its launch since running for the race of 2020.

Last week, the comedians had fun at the expense of Blasio. The host of the show "Late Show," Stephen Colbert, called the New York Democrat "Frankenstein's attorney" and said he "had been pawned a path in the clown car ", making a large part of his audience moan.

"You hear heartily the crowd of your hometown," laughed Colbert with the New York-based audience.

The CBS star mocked De Blasio's announcement video in which he said, "The good thing about New Yorkers is that they're still alike, that they're really angry at you or they like you ".

"Mayor, I have bad news," responded Colbert. "They are all alike because they're all really mad at you."

Colbert ripped the mayor of New York for voting to a "commander" of zero percent in a recent poll in New Hampshire, claiming he "has nowhere to go if it's not going to happen." ;is at home".

Jimmy Fallon, host of "Tonight Show", who also records his show in New York, joined the mockery.

"After 12 years, it was the last episode of" The Big Bang Theory, "Fallon began. Do not worry, it's also the beginning of a new comedy, "Bill Blasio's Presidential Campaign". ""

Fallon showed his audience the cover of the New York Post showing people supposedly laughing at De Blasio's candidacy for presidency, joking that "it's all those who work for his campaign".


In an interview with CNN on Tuesday morning, de Blasio saw clips of Colbert and Fallon with CNN presenter Alisyn Camerota, pointing out that the comics had been "scathing and particularly brutal" at the time. his candidacy alongside other Dems 2020.

"That's what they do in life, that's normal," Blasio said.

"You did not think that there was something a little more naughty in the reaction to your ad?" Asked Camerota.

"I think that's one thing to understand about me and my candidacy: Mayor of the largest and most difficult city in America.I have been for six years. Is like a walk in the park, "said Blasio to Camerota. "I did not even notice that because I deal with really difficult problems every day … the late night comics do not bother me."


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