De Blasio quotes having read The Post, phoning to prove his hard work


Happy to help, Bill.

Mayor Bill de Blasio insisted on Wednesday that despite his seven hours spent at City Hall in May, he was working hard, citing some calls he'd made about the front page of The Post on a queen full of garbage. House.

Asked at an independent press conference about the hours he was keeping, De Blasio presented his puzzle in the unhealthy cage, illustrating his tireless efforts in favor of the Big Apple.

"This morning, one of the newspapers published an article about this house with a lot of garbage in the yard," said de Blasio, not to mention the name of The Post. "I immediately contacted a group of commissioners and said," What are we doing about it? And it started going back and forth.

"I said," We need to determine if there are legal issues or if we need to involve the Department of Health. Find out how to do it, "added Blasio. "This happens dozens and dozens and dozens of times during each day."

De Blasio – who spent less than a day working at City Hall in May, the month in which he launched his mysterious candidacy at the White House – claimed that hand-intensive activities work, such as reading a newspaper and taking the phone, are proof that he did not check on the city, he was elected to run.

"Perception is never reality. That's just not the case, "insisted Hizzoner, insisting that New Yorkers should not believe what their eyes – or their own schedules – tell them. "I'm not here to satisfy someone's perception desires. I am here to serve the people of New York City and change their lives. "

The yard infested with rubbish that drew the mayor's attention on the cover of today's issue.
The yard infested with rubbish that drew the mayor's attention on the cover of today's issue.Dennis A. Clark

And this service is worth every cent spent, said de Blasio.

"I wonder if you think fair value to the people who pay your salary, to the New Yorkers who elected you, and if you could appease some of the criticisms if you were to say that your salary would be pro-rated according to how much many days have you been here? Asked CBS-2 reporter Marcia Kramer.

"No," said Blasio. "The work I am responsible for continues unabated. We make things happen for people. "

The mayor praised his work ethic in an interview broadcast Wednesday on the Pod Save America podcast, but recorded just days before the post reported on his ultra-light program in May. .

"There is no doubt that if you are running a campaign, you need to put energy and attention into it," he told host Jon Lovett during the session. plenary recorded on Friday.

"I do not want to say it's pretentious, but it's true," continued Blasio. "Yes, I wake up every morning. In fact, start with a multitude of e-mails containing many updates and give instructions from the very beginning to the end of the day. "


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