Dead Space Remake, first gameplay look shared by EA Motive


Isaac Clarke shoots a necromopro in an early version of the Dead Space remake

Screenshot: EA / Kotaku

Well, the announcement of a new Dead space was not just a visceral hallucination shared among those of us who have long wished for such a revival. Electronic Arts showed extremely early footage of the upcoming action-horror game during a live broadcast on EA Motive’s Twitch channel today.

Hosted by lead producer Philippe Ducharme and creative director Roman Campos-Oriola, the stream showed a very — we’re talking about. very– watch the upcoming remake early. So if you were expecting a gameplay reveal, you missed it. If you hoped another cinematic trailer, you didn’t understand it either. Over the course of around 40 minutes, the duo explained how the studio is approaching a total remake of a beloved game.

Dead space, which is slated for release on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X / S, and PC, currently has no release date. It’s both rare and extremely cool to see a developer showing off footage of a triple-A game so far from release. Typically, these behind-the-scenes showcases only happen during GDC talks or whatever. Here’s an archived version of the feed, courtesy of GameSpot:

In case you missed it, the next one Dead space is not a traditional reboot. It’s a total remake, as the developers clearly note. EA Motive even accessed the original game files, including the development assets of Ishimura’s “planet cracker” ship, where much of the first game takes place.

“One thing is important to us … it is not just one thing,” said Campos-Oriola. “It’s really about improving a lot of different things to create this original but always new experience.”

“We want to make sure we stay true to the original,” Ducharme added.

One thing that will help: Gunner Wright, who voiced protagonist Isaac Clarke in the original, will reprise the character again in the remake. EA Motive also demonstrated the “cut their limbs” feature that has long been the hallmark of the series. The most of Dead space sees you fighting against necromorphs, space zombies with giant scythes for weapons. Clarke’s weapon could fire in a vertical or horizontal beam. You had to change angles on the fly to, well, cut off the limbs of the necromorphs before they could attack you.

From today, once again, very early-look, the next one Dead space looks a lot like the first Dead space, except with visuals worthy of next-gen consoles.

Dead space was a series of third-person horror action games that were spooky and scary. At the start of the first game, released in 2008, Clarke’s girlfriend, Nicole Brennan, was silent on the radio for a while, so he sets out to find her. It turns out that his ship has been overrun by said space zombies with giant scythes as weapons. Whoops.

“Like Isaac, [in the story] you are looking for Nicole, but in the game, not so much, ”Campos-Oriola said during today’s broadcast. “It’s something we want to improve.

In accordance with EA’s mandate in recent years, it will be integrated into DICE’s powerful Frostbite engine. That, along with a released version of the older hardware, allows for miles of technical magic beyond what the original could offer.

Read more: All great games are only released on next-gen consoles

“Lightning-fast SSDs on modern systems allow us to load and unload very quickly,” Creative Director Roman Campos-Oriola said in a statement. EA Blog Post. “Our intention is to provide a completely uninterrupted experience. It will be an uninterrupted sequence shot, from the start screen to the end credits, without interruption.

One more thing: in case you’re worried, as revealed in today’s stream, the new Dead space will not have microtransactions.

EA has officially closed the original developer Visceral Games in 2017, which reportedly worked on a Star wars game at the time, effectively crushing the future of Dead space. But the mega-publisher has capitalized on the nostalgia in recent years with Mass Effect: Legendary Edition and the recently dusted Skate series, which has a new game in the works after spending more than a decade on the ice. It is quite natural that Dead space, a franchise successful in every way, would come back from the dead. You may have to wait a little longer.


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