Although not the latest smart watch launched by Apple, the third-generation Watch Series remains a decent gadget by today's standards. The Apple Watch Series 3 presents another advantage: it is much cheaper than the most recent model, especially when it is on sale.
Many Apples Watch Series 3 models are still available for purchase, but the cheapest is around $ 280 at the beginning. However, Amazon now offers this specific model for $ 80 less, so you will save about 30% if you buy it during the promotion.
This is not the cellular version, but the smartwatch comes with a built-in GPS. In addition, the Apple Watch Series 3 includes an optical heart sensor, an accelerometer and a gyroscope. It is also resistant to swimming and has a small battery that should provide a range of up to 18 hours. Although it is true that you may need to charge the smartwatch almost every day, it will load at least quite quickly because of the small battery.
Do not forget that Amazon also offers the Apple Watch Series 3 42mm, but this one is a bit more expensive, even though the retailer is offering the same 30% discount.
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