Death Stranding on PS5 isn’t a director’s cut, by Hideo Kojima


Norman Reedus walks up to a box in the Cut Death Stranding Directors

Norman Reedus and the box strangely on a human scale.
Screenshot: Sony

Multi-genre game Death stranding will receive an improved and extended version on PlayStation 5 this fall with Death Stranding Director’s Cup. But Hideo Kojima, the game’s famous enigmatic director, doesn’t think he can be called a true director.

“A director’s cut in a film is a further cut of an abridged version that was either reluctantly released because the director was not allowed to edit it or because the running time had to. be shortened “, Kojima wrote in a series of tweets today, noting that Death Stranding Director’s Cup presents content that is “extra produced” rather than cut. “More readers? So in my opinion I don’t like to call [it] “Director’s cut”.

First announced at Summer Kickoff Live last month! Event, Death Stranding Director’s Cup adds visual enhancements and haptic feedback specific to DualSense. It will also include a bunch of new content, telling the story of Norman Reedus’ Sam Bridges, and feature a Metal gear sneaky box. All the news, according to PlayStation Blog, is “carefully integrated into the basic gaming experience”. Death Stranding Director’s Cup fate September 24 for PS5.

Death stranding isn’t the only PS5 game to receive director’s cut treatment. Next month samurai action-adventure game Ghost of Tsushima comes to PS5 as Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cup. This version, which does not offer a free upgrade, adds standard PS5 improvements (like better lighting and sharper visuals) as well as new improvements (like Japanese lip sync), as well as a new chapter and a explorable region. It will even offer faster loading speeds, in one way or another.

These ports are by no means the first “Director’s Cuts” in the game, nor are they indicative of a new trend. (Call back Sonic Adventure DX: Director’s Cup, a GameCube version of Sound adventure released in 2004.) But Kojima’s comments today raise a fair question: Are these reissues real directorial cuts? The end result is always the director’s vision – perhaps the perfect version of everything in that director’s mind – although it’s less of a “cut” than an expansion. Although i guess Death Stranding Director Extension does not roll exactly over the tongue.


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