Deb Haaland: Senate confirms Biden Home Secretary’s candidate in landmark vote


The vote was 51 to 40, with most Republicans voting against her after several called her views on public land use and fossil fuels extreme.

It wasn’t the first time Haaland had written history. In 2018, she was elected as one of the first two Native American women to Congress. His appointment as the head of the Home Office was a victory for an alliance of progressive and indigenous leaders who campaigned to elevate one of their own to a powerful federal seat that oversees natural resources, public lands and lands. Indian affairs. Haaland will be part of Biden’s plan to tackle the climate crisis and reduce carbon emissions.
During his confirmation hearings, Haaland highlighted his historic nomination, saying, “The historical nature of my confirmation is not lost on me, but I will say that it is not about me. this appointment would be an inspiration for Americans – to move forward together as a nation and create opportunity for all of us. “

Discussing her motivation to take the job, she said, “It’s hard not to feel obligated to protect this land, and I think every Indigenous person in this country understands that,” adding, “We want to protect this country, and what does it mean to protect him in every way. “

Four Republicans – Senators Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Susan Collins of Maine, and Dan Sullivan and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska – joined all Democrats in voting for her.

Republicans who oppose Haaland’s appointment pointed to previous comments she made regarding fossil fuels and the responses they deemed insufficient during her confirmation hearing. Sen. John Barrasso, a Republican from Wyoming and a leading GOP member on the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, spoke out against the nomination in a speech on Thursday.

“Representative Haaland’s political views and the lack of substantive answers during her confirmation hearing, in my opinion, disqualify her for this position,” Barrasso said, referring to previous comments she made, including understood in an interview with The Guardian in 2019 where she said she “” strongly opposes fracking and drilling on public lands.
“In my opinion and in the opinion of my constituents these views are extreme,” he said, adding that his views were “underpinned by legislation which she has co-sponsored” and noting that she has co-sponsored the Green New Deal. resolution in the House.

During his confirmation hearings, Haaland attempted to strike a delicate balance between energy and environmental policy, saying, “There is no doubt that fossil fuels have played and will continue to play a major role in America for years to come. to come up.” But, she added, “our climate challenge must be met,” and she argued that “the ministry has a role to play in harnessing the clean energy potential of our public lands to create jobs and new economic opportunities ”.

On several occasions, Haaland declined to give her personal opinion in the face of questions from Republican senators, indicating instead that she would work in Biden’s service to carry out her administration’s agenda.

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GOP Senator Steve Daines of Montana asked Haaland at one point, “Do you support a ban on fracking and not new pipelines?” She replied, “I understand President Biden does not support the ban on fracking.” Daines again insisted on the matter, and Haaland said, “If I am confirmed as secretary, I would be in the president’s service and that would be his agenda that I would go forward.”

Despite Republican opposition, Democrats hailed and hailed Haaland as being qualified for the job.

Senator Martin Heinrich, a New Mexican Democrat, spoke in favor of her appointment during a Senate speech, saying: “I have no doubts that she is the leader we need inside to undertake the important work of restoring our landscapes, opening up new outdoor recreation opportunities for all Americans, and putting our public lands at the service of the climate crisis.

Pushing aside criticism from the GOP, Heinrich said that Haaland’s political views “fit well into the mainstream and fairly represent many of his constituents, I would say the vast majority of his constituents.”

“I look forward to the Senate finally accepting the confirmation from MP Haaland so that she can get down to work to protect our natural heritage for future generations,” he said.

This story and title has been updated to reflect additional developments on Monday.

CNN’s Gregory Krieg contributed to this report.


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