Debbie Dingell vows to be ‘one of the loudest’ in favor of $ 15 minimum wage


“The point is, if you look at who has kept us together for the last few months, almost a year now since Covid struck, these are people we didn’t think were worth paying $ 15 an hour. We have to pay people what they are worth and their value in this society means that they should receive a minimum wage that keeps them above the poverty line. “

Dingell has long supported a minimum wage hike and last month she signed on as a co-sponsor of the 2021 Wage Rise Act, introduced by Rep. Bobby Scott (D-Va.) Jan. 26 .

Scott’s bill would raise the minimum wage to $ 15 an hour over the next four years, and would mark the first time Congress has voted to raise the federal minimum wage since 2007, when it was raised to 7 , $ 25.


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