Defiant DeSantis slams Biden administration amid report on travel limits


Any kind of travel restriction could derail the economy of Florida, which is heavily dependent on tourists. The initial wave of foreclosures last spring plunged state tax collections into a spiral. Florida would have been hit with a serious budget deficit without the nearly $ 5 billion in coronavirus relief it received from Congress.

DeSantis’ comments mark an escalation in tensions between the Biden administration and Florida. DeSantis was one of the main allies of former President Donald Trump, who now lives in Florida, and used that relationship to provide federal assistance and garner support for some of the governor’s key initiatives in his first two years. mandate.

Last month, DeSantis learned about some of the initial vaccine distribution plans discussed by the White House and pushed for more doses – which led White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki to blame Florida for not using its full vaccine allocation. DeSantis responded by pointing out that some of the doses were saved to make sure there was enough to provide a second injection.

But DeSantis issues a The provocative response to the idea is a turnaround from last year when it enacted restrictions on visitors to Florida from other states such as New York, New Jersey and Louisiana. At the onset of the pandemic, the governor demanded that anyone coming to Florida from multiple coronavirus hotspots self-quarantine for 14 days. At one point, DeSantis even asked the Florida Highway Patrol to set up checkpoints on Interstate 10, the main highway connecting Florida to Louisiana.

DeSantis, who is already raising money for his 2022 re-election campaign, is seen as a potential candidate for the 2024 presidential race, especially if Trump gives up on another race. DeSantis has won praise from the conservative media and other Republicans for his refusal to enact strict lockdowns and his constant struggle with the media.

Tyler Pager contributed to this report.


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