Demi Moore talks about the relationship between Ashton Kutcher and reveals having suffered a miscarriage at the age of 6 months with her baby


Demi Moore reveals a lot of personal details about her life, especially in the time when she was with Ashton Kutcher, in his new book "Inside Out".

Half called his relationship Ashton "A knockout, as if I could just go back in time and experience what it was like to live young, with him – far more than I could ever have lived it when I had actually twenty years or so. "

The article describes then Half and Ashton designed a girl, whom they had the intention of naming Chaplin raybefore having a miscarriage at 6 months.

the New York Times notes that after the miscarriage, "her drinking of alcohol has deteriorated and she began to abuse Vicodin, all before learning that Kutcher had it cheated. "

Ashton and Half separated in 2011 but in 2012, Half suffered a medical emergency that caused a spiral.

"Partying with Rumer in 2012, Moore convulsive after smoking synthetic cannabis and inhaled nitrous oxide, "said the NYT added. Half finally went to rehab, worked with doctors to restore his health and started writing his book.

"Inside Out" will be published on September 24th.


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