Democrat Mike Johnston ends Senate candidacy in Colorado


Former Senator Mike Johnston (D) ended his Senate candidacy, becoming the first Democrat to step down from the former governor. John HickenlooperJohn HickenlooperThe Morning's Morning – The Hurricane is heading to Florida modifying Trump's travel plans. The Hill & # 39; s Morning Report – Gillibrand abandons its activities as the number of debaters decreases. The Hill & # 39; s Morning Report (D) announced his campaign.

"As we examine the road, what I've seen is that winning this primary Democratic primary would now require an expensive and negative campaign. And that's not what I am, "he told Colorado Sun. "I think that no race is worth giving up victory to a series of broken policies that I've spent all my life trying to change."

In particular, Johnston cites Hickenlooper's entry into the crowded senatorial primaries, telling the Sun that he could win the Democratic nomination only by spending money and time to attack the former governor, an initiative that he feared could help endanger Sen. Cory GardnerCory Scott Gardner: Democrats see a golden opportunity to take the seat of the Senate of Georgia, Nikki Haley will be the special guest of the women's Democratic Senate candidates' fundraising campaign in Trump-Pence Colorado and asks the DSCC to cancel the downstream of Hickenlooper PLUS (R) in the general race.

"I do not think it's good for us, or good for the country, or good for the candidate," he said. "For me, with the climate crisis and the future of the Supreme Court and the fundamental principles of democracy at stake, I just could not take that risk."

Johnston, who ran unsuccessfully for the governorship last year and was one of the top fundraisers of the Senate race, added that he had not yet made a decision regarding support or what he intended to do with the remaining millions of his campaign account.

His withdrawal shows that Hickenlooper's entry into the race could upset the main race.

Building on Hickenlooper's existing power structure in the Centennial State since his tenure as Chief Executive Officer, the Senate Democrats Campaign Committee has been quick to support Hickenlooper, claiming that the hill was "by far the most powerful candidate to beat Cory Gardner, and we are proud to support him in his race in the Senate. "

But despite the deep wave behind Hickenlooper, several progressive candidates in the race vowed not to stop campaigning and hammered the former governor for the moderate positions he'd taken in his short bid for the Presidency.

"During his brief presidential campaign, Governor Hickenlooper opposed the strong, progressive energy of our party today, and moved away from the big, bold and progressive solutions our state and our country need. After spending the first half of this year campaigning against progressive ideas, he has serious explanations for Colorado voters, "said Senator Angela Williams in an editorial for The Sentinel.

"We need leaders who are not conditioned by a lifetime of politics to be afraid of nothing more than a gradual change. This means that we need different types of leaders. … We can repair the country and win our future. We need ethical, bold and progressive leadership in Washington, "added former US ambassador Dan Baer.

The Democratic Party has high hopes for the Colorado Senate race, considering Gardner as particularly vulnerable in a Democratic presidential candidate. Hillary ClintonHillary Diane Rodham ClintonThe Morning's Morning – The US coastline is preparing for Hurricane Dorian to prevent Democrats from sitting on the ground to oppose destitution, leaving Pelosi with fears of Labor Day on both sides of the American political divide won in 2016. The Cook Political Report, a non-partisan electoral handicapper, qualifies the race as a "draw".


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