Democratic debacle against racism


"I think this president has given a racist tone," said Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y. In an interview with Vanity Fair this week. The proud socialist is not the first to say that of President Trump. But her remarks are ridiculously incongruous, just days after she fought to defend, embolden and normalize anti-Semitism.

Last week, House Democratic leaders prepared an unequivocal condemnation of ugly insults against American Jews by the representative Ilhan Omar, D-Minn. They were ready to put it in the House and vote. That is, they were ready to do it until Ocasio-Cortez and others told them not to do it. Then they obediently yielded.

Omar had not simply criticized Israel or lamented the injustices against the Palestinian people. These would be legitimate subjects of debate between people of good will. Instead, Omar claimed that American Jews were two loyalists who secretly bought Congress with their dirty money. These comments are not in line with allegations that AIPAC is too closely linked to the Netanyahu government. Rather, ugly smears could have come Protocols of the elders of Sion or a Nazi tract.

Ocasio-Cortez's complaints about Trump are therefore perfectly cynical and hypocritical. Decent Democrats, there are some, have tried to prevent the debacle last week. But the party not only failed to call anti-Semitism in their ranks, it actually praised and encouraged their most declared anti-Semitism.

The supporters of Omar were so numerous that the party had to be honest and stop pretending to be concerned about racism. Democrats have been exposed as being unprincipled and unprincipled. If they really cared, they would not have deflated. They would have imposed consequences on their colleague to say that such insults are shameful and unacceptable.

But the new era of democratic legacy at intersectionality made their escape inevitable. According to its trend, racism is not a moral failure to fight and eradicate, but a constituency to cultivate. The party's message on racism is intended as a fear-filled election call to people who most often resemble Omar. This is why Democrats do not have the courage to criticize it for making nasty remarks about the secret power, wealth and disloyalty of Jews, even though such fantasies are the ones that inspired the shooting fatal to a Pittsburgh synagogue.

Democrats have long been useless to call white democrats racist. The two highest-ranking Democratic officials in Virginia, who have crossed what is supposed to be a red line for the awakened left after wearing the blackface in the 1980s, are still in office and are less and less in a hurry to resign. This is the typical model of how Democrats manage racism in their own ranks. At best, they complain weakly, distracting, distracting and dismissing the problem until it is an old story.

It is precisely because the Democrats perceive racism from the angle of the electoral appeal in various constituencies, and not as a separate evil, that a resolution to condemn Omar's flagrant anti-Semitism was benefit of a tasteless resolution giving the principle to everyone.

If the Democrats really regarded racism as a moral concern, they could condemn it.


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