Democratic opponents in search of a plan against Elizabeth Warren



Elizabeth Warren

builds a broad coalition of Democratic voters and its rivals take note of it. But until now, they are still testing ways to undermine his appeal.

The steady rise of Mrs. Warren has prompted some of the leading opponents such as

Bernie Sanders,

Kamala Harris


Pete Buttigieg

to look for ways to dull momentum at a time when the main competitor,

Joe Biden,

overcame a series of tripping and direct attacks.

Although the candidates have publicly mingled with the former vice president for everything from his age to his agenda, they are more cautious with Ms. Warren, often criticizing her indirectly or focusing on her political proposals instead. only on its antecedents.

"We have a lot of great people running, but some of these ideas are better preserved in the university professors' lounge than here, in this port,"

Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar

said at a stopover Thursday in a Detroit harbor.

She later said that she was not choosing the former Harvard law professor.

Ms. Harris, for her part, expressed her frustration at Ms. Warren's fundraising practices at a private fundraiser in New York on Tuesday, said people familiar with the event. Ms. Harris, who was not so critical of the Massachusetts Senator in public, said that it was hypocritical to claim that Ms. Warren was not taking money from important donors, while her campaign was using millions of dollars transferred from his account to the Senate. before she swore out of the traditional fundraiser.

Driven by large-scale rallies, Ms. Warren has attracted liberal and college-educated women as she seeks to challenge Mr. Biden during the primaries. But a recent Wall Street Journal / NBC News poll showed a renewed enthusiasm for Ms. Warren and detailed support for her among a range of age groups and diverse backgrounds.

This prompted her opponents to confront her about health care and fundraising, in order to break her support in Iowa, where she strongly organized before the head caucuses of next February.

Kristen Orthman, Warren's director of communications, said, "We will continue to lead the campaign we have from the beginning: identify what is not working, talk about our plans to fix it, and create a grassroots movement to make it happen. . "

Warren's campaign showed that the Senator had raised $ 11 million to help Democrats go up and down polls all over the country as she ran for reelection in 2018.

The large group of Democratic candidates are meeting in Des Moines this weekend for Polk County Democrats' "Steak Fry" fundraiser, an annual event that is expected to attract more than 10,000 activists.

Many democratic campaigns have taken to heart the lessons of 2016, in which several Republican campaigns have refused to challenge

Donald Trump

with force until he has built a significant advantage in the primary, then wins the party nomination and the presidency. The Democrats have already tried to withdraw Biden's support.

A recent Wall Street Journal / NBC News poll showed renewed enthusiasm for Senator Elizabeth Warren.


Charlie Neibergall / Associated Press

Now, while Biden is still leading the way as the fall campaign gets underway, candidates who hope to rank among the best in Iowa are looking for new sources of voting.

"In this configuration, it is more dangerous to be the # 2 or # 3 candidate in the total votes than to be 4, 5 or even the first," said the Democratic strategist.

Dan Sena,

former senior advisor to the House Democrats campaign arm.

When Ms. Warren was examined, she relied heavily on Mr. Sanders' Medicare for All plan.

At an event that took place Friday at Cedar Rapids, Biden repeated his argument that a single payer system would be too expensive and would impose higher taxes on middle-class families.

"Tell Elizabeth," said the former vice president to a woman who accused her of protecting the insurance industry. She then said supporting Ms. Warren: "It's going to be very expensive and it's going to increase taxpayers' taxes, and what are we going to do in the middle of a recession if we end up there? "

Buttigieg, Mayor of South Bend, Ind., Said that Warren was too vague about how she would pay for such a plan.

In an interview with CNN Thursday, he said that Warren "was extremely evasive" when asked in the September Democratic debate whether the proposal would require an increase in taxes on families of the middle class.

"I think if you're proud of your plan and it's the right plan, you have to defend it," Buttigieg said.

Biden largely avoided Mrs. Warren while sitting at the top of the polls. But both Warren and Sanders are very important to her race.

Neil Bluhm, a billionaire mogul of real estate and casinos, introduced Thursday the former vice president at a fundraiser in Chicago. He told the audience that Mrs. Warren and Mr. Sanders "do not represent the Democratic Party" that he supports and that Mr. Biden "has the best chance of defeating Trump."

Although Warren is gaining momentum, Sanders is still very interested in Biden, with whom he has more clearly defined the differences between policies and strategies.

Mr. Sanders' aides have long claimed that they thought that Mr. Biden and Mr. Sanders shared a similar group of working class voters and that one of them could in fact benefit if the other stumbled.

Asked about Mr. Sanders' approach to Ms. Warren, Senior Advisor

Jeff Weaver

Mr. Sanders pointed out that he "is the only leading candidate to lead a 100% popular campaign and to commit to fund a grassroots general election campaign".

He also pointed out that Mr Sanders had said in the last democratic debate that he was the only candidate to vote against all military budgets of the Trump administration.

Mrs. Warren voted for one of the three, but Mr. Sanders did not mention it.

John McCormick

and Gabriel T. Rubin contributed to this article.

Write to Ken Thomas at [email protected] and Eliza Collins at [email protected].

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