Democratic policy on abortion is deeply unpopular, as confirmed by another poll


YAnother poll confirms that the Democratic Party is abandoning the US center on the issue of abortion.

A new NPR / PBS NewsHour / Marist poll reveals that only 18% of Americans are in favor of an abortion in the third quarter, which is very close to the 13% of a previous Gallup poll. A plurality of countries, nearly 3 out of 10 Americans, believe that abortion should only be allowed in cases of rape, incest and to save the mother's life, followed by 23% who support legal abortion until the end of the first trimester of pregnancy. or about 13 weeks.

The same proportion of Americans who support abortion up to birth support making abortion illegal is without exception, either solely to save the mother's life. In short, Alabama's much-criticized abortion bill is as popular in the country as the position of choice of Democratic leaders.

To be clear, not all Democratic leaders have adopted the extreme in terms of abortion. After all, it is a Democratic governor who has adopted one of the strictest abortion restrictions in the country. But between the positions of the presidential candidates and the party's abandonment of pro-life democrats such as Illinois representative Dan Lipinski, party leaders made it clear that they were letting the average American behind them.

Almost all Democratic presidential candidates want to not only repeal the Hyde amendment, the provision banning the use of federal funds for abortion supported by nearly 6 Americans, but also enact laws such as the New York law that legalize actually the point of birth. New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, and former representative Beto O 'Rourke both directly supported the third trimester abortion. All Senators who ran in the presidential elections voted against a bill that would require doctors to provide medical care to live infants after a failed abortion, and all refused to say what restrictions they supported.

The average American considers abortion to be between an important last resort and a necessary evil. They do not share the view of the Democratic field and the mainstream media that it is a positive thing for the liberation of women.

The Marist poll has the most interest to ask a question to any presidential candidate: when does life begin? 60% of Republicans say it starts at conception, while half as many Democrats do it. But a majority of Democrats, 40% of them, believe that life begins at some point during the first eight weeks of pregnancy and at the point of fetal viability.

This gap shows an important point: ordinary Americans do not discuss bad faith in the abortion debate. For the majority of Republicans, opposing abortion is truly a matter of right to the life of an independent human being, not a control of the woman's body. The majority of Democrats who support abortion do not believe it ends a human life.

On the national debate scene, politicians constantly criticize the motives of their opponents on this issue, but ordinary Americans are not so cynical.


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