Democrats can only name the specific action that Trump should be dismissed


Suppose for a moment that the representative, Maxine Waters, D-Calif., Is the Speaker of the House and has agreed to pursue the Democrats who want to immediately initiate the impeachment process of President Trump. What specific crime or act would they call to justify the procedure?

Has anyone ever heard of Trump's crime or the exact action that would justify dismissal? Democrats generally speak of Trump's obstruction of justice or "conduct," but the details are oddly light, given the seriousness of what they propose.

Republicans complained about the "conduct" of former President Bill Clinton, but they had at least one specific charge: Clinton's under-oath before a grand jury about his sexual relationship with an intern of the United States. White House and its efforts to conceal the evidence of the investigators.

Sometimes Democrats talk about "10 cases" or "10 episodes" in the special advocate's report regarding obstruction, but which one is an impenetrable offense? The most often quoted is Trump's phone call to his lawyer, Don McGahn, dated June 2017. According to the report, Trump would have "ordered him to call the Acting Attorney General to tell him that the 39, a special advocate had conflicts of interest and that he was to be fired. McGahn refused the request and Mueller was not removed. The special council stayed in place for two years and completed its investigation. He found no conspiracy between the 2016 Trump campaign and Russia.

This is the final result since the release of the special advocate's report in April. Yes, the FBI director, James Comey, was fired by Trump (which, according to the report, came under his authority as president); he asked former Attorney General Jeff Sessions to reaffirm some control over special counsel (this did not happen); and he publicly criticized the associates once they were in legal danger and could offer detrimental information to prosecutors under a plea agreement. (What's important is not a crime.)

Trump's imputation for any of them, or all, would have been like attacking Clinton for even thinking to have an affair or to ask his lawyer when he should lie to the grand jury.

I know the Democrats in the House are angry and do not like Trump, but there is a reason why the imputation standard is "treason, corruption, or other crimes and major offenses, "and not only" I really, really, hate the orange man! "The process is not supposed to be a political toy.


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