Democrats in the House call for an investigation into the Attorney General's ethics


HTed Lieu and Kathleen Rice, members of the house, sent Thursday a letter to the Virginia Bar Associations and Washington, DC, asking them to open an investigation into the ethics of the Attorney General's conduct. William Barr.

"Given the recent publication of a document written by the special advocate [Robert] Mueller to the Attorney General objecting to his misrepresentation of the Special Advisor's report, it appears that the Attorney General at best misled Congress and the American people and, at worst, perjured himself before the Senate and House, "said D-Calif Place. and rice, DN.Y., wrote. "As such, we formally request the Virginia State Bar and the Columbia District Bar to investigate Mr. Barr's conduct for review and possible removal."

"By misleading the Congress and the American people, who placed his trust both in the Attorney General's Office and in the Department of Justice in general, Attorney General Barr must be the subject of a professional exam in the interest of the legal profession and the public, "they added.

Lieu and Rice, who were both prosecutors before being elected, cited the rules of ethics of the two bar associations, which prohibit lawyers from acting with "dishonesty".

Democrats in the House strongly criticized Barr for handling the Mueller report, including publishing a four-page summary before publishing the entire report, which the Democrats' accusations were misleading.

It was revealed this week that Mueller had sent a letter to Barr stating that the summary did not "fully reflect the context, nature and content" of Mueller's investigation.

Barr retaliated at a hearing in a Senate court on Wednesday, calling the letter "snitty" and probably "written by a member of his staff".

the Washington Examiner solicited comments from the Department of Justice.


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