Democrats in the House Introduce Legislation Giving Citizenship to DACA and TPS Recipients


By Nicole Acevedo

The House Democrats tabled a bill on Tuesday to pave the way for citizenship for undocumented immigrant youth under the Deferred Action Plan for Children's Arrivals, as well as for people benefiting from illegal immigration. 39, other temporary protections against immigration.

Although California representative Lucille Roybal-Allard introduced HR 6, also known as the Dream and Promise Act, her co-authors include President Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. Majority Leader, Steny Hoyer, D-Md. ., as well as representatives from New York, Nydia M. Velázquez and Yvette D. Clarke, among the other main sponsors of the bill.

This announcement has given hope to people like Ana Argueta, 55, who has been living and working in the United States for ten years as a janitor of the cleanup sites, as part of the federal program known as temporary protection status.

The GST is granted to countries ravaged by natural disasters or war and allows citizens of these countries to stay in the United States until the situation improves at home. In recent decades, the previous administrations of both parties have renewed the TPS status of the recipient, but the Trump administration has stated that it would terminate the TPS for the majority of recipients.

Although the courts have temporarily prevented the Trump administration from ending TPS, families are hoping that Democrat legislation, if passed, could provide them with a permanent solution once and for all.

"I think it's good," Argueta told NBC News in Spanish. "Now, we have to trust that, yes, it will go to the end."


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