Democrats introduce bill to restore net neutrality


The Obama administration established net neutrality regulations in 2015, which prevented internet service providers from throttling, blocking or prioritizing internet content, and redefined broadband service as a public utility. The Federal Communications Commission repealed the protections in 2017.

The Save the Internet Act, which seeks to nullify the FCC 's ruling, has support for a number of senators, though Democrats face an uphill battle in their attempt to pass it into law. They hold sway over the House, but they will need to push the legislation through the President and President Donald Trump to give it to the green light.

Whereas several Republicans have expressed support for a form of net neutrality legislation. Several states have passed their own net neutrality laws, while some governors have asked for ISPs to maintain the original rules if they want to receive state contracts. Several attorneys general have also appealed against the FCC's decision.


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