Democrats Introduce New Bill to Protect Dreamers and GST Recipients


President Nancy Pelosi, Representative Lucille Roybal-Allard and other Democrats in the House unveil the "Dream and Promise Act", which would protect undocumented immigrants who came to the United States as children, sometimes called "dreamers", and immigrants enjoying temporary protection. status or delayed forced departure.

"There should be no partisanship or politics in this bill," said Pelosi, who was surrounded by House Democrats and immigrants, introducing the bill. "Protecting the dreamers, TPS and (delayed forced departure) of Americans is about honoring and respecting the family that is at the heart of our faith and who we are as Americans."

The bill would reinforce the sense of security posed by a large number of undocumented immigrants whose fate is tied to the courts. Its promulgation is unlikely, however, as the Senate, controlled by Republicans, would struggle to fight and President Donald Trump opposed such programs.

The 700,000 or so beneficiaries of the Deferred Action program for Obama-era child arrivals, which protects undocumented immigrants who have arrived in the United States as deported children, have been stalled since Trump administration tried to terminate the program in 2017, causing a wave of lawsuits. Federal judges have since kept the program alive, challenging the reasoning behind the sudden interruption of protections.
The holders of a temporary protection status – which offers protection to people displaced by natural disasters, armed conflicts or other events – have also faced an uncertain future, while the attempt to Administration to remove the status of some designated countries is fraught with difficulties the courts. According to the Pew Research Center, about 318,000 people currently enjoy this status.

The measure addresses these two groups.

The bill would grant Dreamers conditional permanent resident status for 10 years and cancel the removal process if the conditions are met. The criterion is similar to what DACA beneficiaries must meet, including obtaining a high school diploma or obtaining a general education degree.

The measure allows those who meet the requirements to obtain legal permanent resident status, which is generally ruled out for many undocumented immigrants who have arrived in the United States as minors. To obtain legal status, immigrants must have an applicant (for example, a family member or employer) who can sponsor them. Even in this case, however, he / she is already embarrassed by the fact that they entered illegally.

GST holders would also have the opportunity to obtain legal permanent resident status and have their cancellation proceedings canceled under the new bill. In addition to addressing current GST holders, the measure would amend the law to require the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security to provide an explanation of the revocation of a TPS designation, as well as a report shortly after publication. a notice of termination.

"This report must explain the origin designation and any progress made by a country to solve the problems leading to the designation of the SPT," according to a fact sheet on the measure. "The secretary should also describe the qualitative and quantitative methods used to determine whether the country's situation has improved or not, which includes addressing challenges or gaps in the initial designation."

For years, lawmakers have been trying to advance measures that would allow some undocumented immigrants who were illegally brought into the United States as children to have legal status. These attempts have failed several times, despite often bipartite support.


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