Democrats officially name Joe Biden as president in virtual roll call


Former Vice President Joe Biden officially became the Democratic Party’s 2020 presidential candidate on Tuesday night after an unconventional roll-call vote by party delegates conducted virtually from benchmarks across the country.

Once he gathered the votes, a camera appeared on Biden in Delaware, where after a brief hiatus, he celebrated the moment with his wife Jill and packets of red, white and blue balloons as the family did. jump banners. Applause erupted from Democrats appearing on camera in their living room, as the song “Celebration” played.

“Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart,” Biden said. “Thanks thanks.”


Former President Barack Obama, his two-time vice president, then praised Biden in a tweet, saying, “I’m proud of you.”

Instead of the traditional loud and festive vote count of the Democratic National Convention Hall, this year thousands of delegates have had to stay at home due to the coronavirus pandemic. They shared their support for Biden via video feeds from various settings – farms, beaches, an Amtrak station, an art studio, and a fire station – telling personal stories of how a Biden presidency would rebuild the America “better”.

Biden’s appointment comes as a succession of speakers struggled to establish a clear contrast between him and President Donald Trump, not only on politics, but on humanity.

Speakers highlighted what they described as Biden’s decency and sense of empathy while describing Trump as devoid of those qualities – repeatedly underscoring the president’s remark that “this is what it is. is “when asked about the death toll from coronavirus.

Biden’s path to the White House officially started with Jacquelyn Brittany, a New York Times security guard who was caught in a viral video saying “I love you” to Biden, and who officially named the former vice -President for the post. Senator Chris Coons, D-Del., And Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester, D-Del., Seconded the nomination.

Bob King, former president of the United Auto Workers (UAW), named Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., Which is usual for the Democratic primary finalist. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, DN.Y., supported the appointment of her mentor, saying Sanders “had organized a historic campaign to demand our democracy.”

The 2020 roll call was not the rude affair of years past, when enthusiastic heads of state have delivered glowing speeches from Congress announcing the vote of their state delegates. But these stories were personal and local, touting the Democratic Party’s priorities like postal voting, the fight for racial justice, immigrant rights, an end to gun violence, protection of the environment, revival of the automotive industry and more.

“It’s Joe’s time!” Said Scheena Iyande Tannis, a registered nurse in New York City, who announced state delegates during the roll-call vote.


Voting took place in virtually all 57 states and territories, with various voters, parents, teachers, politicians, and small business owners announcing how their states voted, based on the results of the primary elections. The 30-Minute Scream Across America featured former primary opponents of Biden in the presidential election.

Former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg announced the vote for Indiana delegates. Senator Amy Klobuchar touted Biden’s ability to build bridges during Minnesota’s roll call. Rep. Tim Ryan announced the Ohio delegates, while Sanders and his wife, Jane, stood on camera from Vermont.

But unlike 2016, Sanders didn’t make an official motion to make Biden the Democratic candidate for party unity.

In 2016, then-Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, D-Hawaii, nominated Sanders at the Philadelphia convention, amazed at how a “somewhat grubby and maybe even cranky 70-year-old guy could become the voice of millions.” But after the states roll-call vote, Sanders, surrounded by delegates from Vermont, rose to suspend the rules of procedure and appoint Hillary Clinton.

Eight years earlier, it was Clinton who had made a similar gesture from the convention hall to officially nominate Barack Obama by acclamation as the 2008 presidential candidate after his harsh defeat to the eventual two-term president.

But like everything else, this convention is different.

“These are not conventional times,” Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett said at the launch of the second day of the convention, which would have drawn huge crowds to his city had it not been for the COVID-19 crisis. “And therefore, as we all know, this is not a conventional convention.”


In a series of speeches throughout the night, speakers sought to portray Trump as an inept leader and Biden as the steady, decent hand America needs.

Stacey Abrams, Georgia’s former gubernatorial candidate, said Biden would restore the “moral compass” and tore Trump apart as “a president of cowardice.”

Senator Chuck Schumer, DN.Y., hit Trump for his coronavirus response and for treating protesters. “America, Donald Trump has given up on you,” Schumer said outside the Statue of Liberty.

Jimmy Carter and his wife Rosalynn addressed the convention in a voicemail praising Biden’s character and dignity. “He’s the right fit for the moment,” Carter said.

Former President Bill Clinton has criticized Trump for failing to take responsibility for the coronavirus response.

“One thing never changes – his determination to deny responsibility and throw blame,” Clinton said. “The male never stops there.”

The Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee, ahead of their convention next week, hit back at the speakers overnight.

“President Trump has spent his presidency correcting the flaws in Bill Clinton and Joe Biden’s failed policy record,” the RNC tweeted.

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany scoffed at the convention’s format as a metaphor, tearing apart “the seamless slump of half-hearted Biden surrogates, very iconic to his base.”

The parents were also featured on Tuesday night to draw attention to some of Biden’s political priorities. Gun safety activist Fred Guttenberg, whose daughter Jaime was killed in the Parkland High School massacre in 2018, announced the votes of the Florida delegates.

The father of the gold star, Khizr Khan, spoke about the 2017 racial violence in Charlottesville when announcing the votes of the Virginia delegates. And in Wyoming, Judy and Dennis Shepard touted Biden’s leadership in ending hate crimes against LGBTQ Americans following the murder of their son Matthew in 1998.


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