Democrats’ plan offers $ 1,400 stimulus checks at same income levels as previous cycles


WASHINGTON – House Democrats released the biggest chunk of their coronavirus relief bill on Monday night, offering a measure that would extend an unemployment insurance payment of $ 400 per week until August 29 and send 1,400 USD per person to most households without lowering income thresholds from previous rounds.

Democrats have debated whether to reduce those income levels, but the version headed for a Ways and Means Committee vote this week gives the full amount to people with incomes up to $ 75,000 and married couples with income up to $ 150,000. The law also expands the child tax credit, broadens childcare assistance and strengthens tax credits for health insurance.

It will be combined with exhibits advanced through other House committees with the goal of going through the entire House later this month. Together, these measures constitute President Biden’s $ 1.9 trillion aid package, which Democrats are trying to rush through Congress.

“Our nation is in trouble, the virus is still not contained and the American people are counting on Congress to face this moment with bold and immediate action,” said Representative Richard Neal (D., Mass.), The chairman of the committee whose panel will begin consideration of the bill on Wednesday.

Other sections of the back-up plan will provide $ 130 billion in funding for K-12 schools, $ 40 billion for colleges and universities, and $ 39 billion for child care providers . Mr Biden also offered to offer funds for vaccine distribution, unemployment programs and state and local governments, among other measures.


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