Democrats pull casino bill after Trump's tweet urging opposition


House Democrat leaders on Tuesday withdrew two tribal House bills, following a tweet by President Trump calling one of them "unfair" for Native Americans.

The House was to rule on a bill sponsored by Representative William Keating, D-Mass., Which would reaffirm the reserve of the Mashpee Wampanoag tribe located in the city of Mashpee, Massachusetts.

The tribe hopes to build a $ 1 billion casino in the reserve, but the deal has been delayed by opponents, including lawmakers from neighboring Rhode Island, who said the competition would reduce the revenues from their property. own casino, which is the biggest source of funding in this state.

The Interior Ministry is delaying land use, pushing the Massachusetts delegation to Congress, including Trump Nemesis and the presidential candidate, Senator Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., To ask for the & # 39; 39, passing the law giving the tribe full control over his lands.

[[[[Related: Elizabeth Warren is identified as Native American on a 1986 document]

Trump urged lawmakers to oppose the bill on Wednesday.

"Republicans should not vote for H.R. 312, a special interest casino bill, backed by Elizabeth (Pocahontas) Warren," Trump tweeted. "It's unfair and does not treat Native Americans in the same way!"

Democrats, who control the floor of the House, hoped to do so under special rules limiting the debate and demanding a two-thirds majority.

But it was removed from Wednesday's agenda with legislation that would reaffirm the power of the Department of the Interior to entrust land to lands for Indian tribes.

In an interview, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-MD, described Trump's tweet as "stupid" and said he plans to revert to these measures according to rules that would require a simple majority vote .

It is unclear why Trump tweeted the opposition.

Matt Schlapp, president of the Union of American Conservatives and husband of Mercedes Schlapp, director of communications at the White House, runs a firm that has lobbied against the casino, the Daily Beast reported.

The company Schlapp represents one of the Rhode Island casinos.


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