Democrats seek to make debt ceiling a winning issue


Democrats are looking to turn the tide by tackling Senate Republicans’ refusal to raise the debt ceiling.

The party’s latest strategy before the midterms reflects the GOP’s game plan of tying Democratic incumbents vulnerable to inflation and the $ 3.5 trillion reconciliation plan, which has been championed by the party’s progressive flank. . Like this GOP bet, Democrats hope they can convince voters by bringing a distant financial concept to voters’ kitchen tables.

Democratic campaign committees have highlighted a number of local editorials warning of the dangers of not raising the debt ceiling in competing states like Pennsylvania, Iowa, Georgia, Wisconsin and the United States. Florida.

“The debt ceiling is not just a Beltway problem, real people across the country have a stake in this fight and they would be the ones who would feel the devastating effects of the Republicans’ political games. Americans will not soon forget the vile hypocrisy of Republicans who repeatedly choose to play political football with the livelihoods of working families, ”said Democratic National Committee spokeswoman Adonna Biel.

Meanwhile, the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee (DSCC) made the decision to invoke the Senate Minority Leader Mitch mcconnellAddison (Mitch) Mitchell McConnell On The Money – Presented By NRHC – Democrats Break Rubicon Debt Ceiling Democrats Insist They Won’t Back Down on Debt Ceiling Schumer Warns October Vacation in danger for the fight against the debt ceiling PLUS (R-Ky.), Who vowed Republicans would not provide votes to raise the debt ceiling, suggesting he and his strategy could be used to paint GOP candidates negatively in 2022.

“Mitch McConnell and the Senate Republicans are playing dangerous political games with the lives of Americans and putting our economy at risk,” said DSCC spokeswoman Jazmin Vargas. “If they continue down this path, the GOP Senate candidates will suffer the horrific consequences of America’s breach of faith and credit – and voters will hold them accountable in 2022.”

Meanwhile, state Democratic parties have gone on the offensive against Republican lawmakers and candidates in other hotly contested states like North Carolina.

“Republicans in North Carolina love Ted buddTheodore (Ted) Paul BuddVeteran, author launches campaign for US Senate in North Carolina Anti-Trump Republicans are also online in 2022 must give up political games and do their job to protect our economy and the well-being of North Carolina families and troops, ”North Carolina Democratic Party spokeswoman Kate Frauenfelder said in a statement, targeting Budd who is running for the Senate before calling GOP Candidates Pat McCrory and Marc walkerBradley (Mark) Mark WalkerVeteran, Author Launches Campaign in U.S. Senate in North Carolina Judge Temporarily Blocks Florida Riot Law The Hill’s Morning Report – Brought to you by Facebook – Biden to restart COVID-19 PLUS plan for their silence on the matter.

Congress has until Oct. 18 to raise the debt ceiling. If it is not lifted, the United States will default on its debt for the first time in the country’s history.

Majority leader in the Senate Charles schumerChuck Schumer Lifting SALT cap could cut charitable giving 92 jurists ask Harris to preside over Senate to include immigration in Schumer reconciliation: Congress must raise debt ceiling by end of week MORE (DN.Y.) is expected to push forward a bill on Wednesday to suspend the debt ceiling until December 2022. He will need 60 votes to break a blockade, meaning 10 GOP senators are expected to side with on the side of the Democrats. Republicans have repeatedly vowed not to provide those 10 votes.

Democrats argue that Republicans are playing “Russian roulette” with Americans’ economic livelihoods by not raising the debt ceiling, underscoring warnings from economists of catastrophic economic consequences.

But party agents warn that the Democratic strategy involving the heavily nuanced economic issue could fall flat with voters if not communicated properly.

“It’s hard for the debt ceiling debate to break through with ordinary Americans until it’s really in crisis mode,” said Tyler Law, Democratic strategist and former national press secretary for the Campaign Committee of the Democratic Congress.

“But to be clear, as soon as we cross the debt ceiling, I mean, it will be an economic disaster,” he added.

The debt ceiling, unlike a number of other high-profile bills currently passing through Congress, has united Democrats. Progressive Democrats have also slammed Republicans for refusing to raise the debt ceiling, arguing it would become a problem if it hinders adoption of progressive priorities such as climate change and free community college.

“The debt ceiling was raised without a problem under the Trump administration,” said Paco Fabian, campaign manager for the progressive group Our Revolution. “And now all of a sudden it’s a problem.”

Democrats pointed to a report published by Moody’s Analytics last month, which revealed that the United States could lose 6 million jobs if it does not repay its debt, leading to a decline in real GDP of almost 4% and the unemployment rate to almost 9%. On top of that, the report predicted that stock prices would be cut by nearly a third, wiping out $ 15 trillion in household wealth.

However, Republicans are sweeping Democratic rhetoric off the ceiling of the debate, pointing out that Democrats are the ruling party on both sides of Pennsylvania Avenue – a point they would almost certainly make to voters as well.

“Democrats control all three branches of government, so voters will obviously blame them if the government defaults,” Republican National Congressional Campaign Committee spokesman Mike Berg said. “If Democrats are unable to perform basic government functions, they shouldn’t be in charge. ”

Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.), Who chairs the National Republican Senate Campaign Committee (NRSC), told reporters last month that GOP lawmakers would not vote to avoid a national debt default, and reiterated that Democrats would ultimately bear responsibility if the United States defaults on its debt.

Some Republicans say they believe Democrats will eventually give in and raise the debt ceiling through reconciliation. Moderate Democratic Senator. Joe manchinJoe Manchin On The Money – Presented By NRHC – Democrats Break Debt Ceiling Rubicon Biden Says He Would Sign Reconciliation Bill With Hyde Overnight Energy & Environment Amendment – Manchin Opens Door To Spending Bill from .9T to .2T PLUS (DW.V.) said monday that he thinks Democrats should be open to that option, although Schumer says he rules it out.

McConnell said Democrats should use reconciliation, which they are trying to use to push the $ 3.5 trillion spending program through Congress.

Chuck schumerChuck Schumer Lifting SALT cap could cut charitable giving 92 jurists ask Harris to preside over Senate to include immigration in Schumer reconciliation: Congress must raise debt ceiling by end of week MORE has known about this issue for months, ”NRSC spokesperson TW Arrighi said. “So the idea that the reconciliation process is going to take too long is absurd. Democrats are in full control of Washington and are trying to block trillions in new spending through Congress as inflation rises. Schumer’s attempt to blame the debt limit will fall on deaf ears across America. ”


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