Democrats unlikely to secure immigration measure in $ 3.5 trillion budget proposal after Senate parliamentarian’s decision


The move comes as a resounding rebuke to Democrats, according to a source with direct knowledge of the situation. While it is incredibly difficult to overturn such a move, a Democratic source noted that they might try to narrow the policy to include some sort of immigration provision in the bill, but the odds remain slim.

Parliamentarian Elizabeth MacDonough wrote in her ruling: “Changing the law to pave the way for (lawful permanent resident) status is a huge and lasting policy change that overshadows its fiscal impact.

In a key meeting with MacDonough earlier this month, Senate Democrats argued for including a path to legalization for millions of immigrants in the massive economic bill. Democrats argued that their plan to give around 8 million immigrants the opportunity to apply for green cards in the country would have a major economic impact – an argument they hoped to convince her to allow them to include it in the country. a complicated process known as reconciliation.

In a statement after the decision, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said: “We are deeply disappointed with this decision, but the struggle to provide legal status to immigrants as part of budget reconciliation continues. Senate Democrats have prepared other proposals and will hold additional meetings with the Senate Parliamentarian in the coming days. “

Senate Judiciary Chairman Dick Durbin of Illinois and Senator Alex Padilla of California, chairman of the Judicial Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship and Border Security, expressed similar disappointment in a statement , also hinting at an alternative proposal to come.

This story has been updated with additional information.


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