Denmark to build world’s first energy island in the North Sea


Denmark agreed to build an island in the North Sea that would collect and distribute electricity from wind farms.

Authorities say the man-made island will be the size of 18 football fields, and will produce and store enough green energy to meet the electricity needs of 3 million European homes. It will also provide clean energy for use in shipping, aviation, industry and heavy transport.

The 28 billion euro construction project is the largest of its kind in Danish history. The government will hold a 51% stake in the island, with the remainder held by the private sector.

“It’s a gigantic project,” said Professor Jacob Østergaard, who heads the center for electricity and energy at the Technical University of Denmark. “It is and will be a cornerstone of the Danish green transition and the reduction of CO2 emissions.”

Denmark has set itself the ambitious target of reducing carbon emissions by 70% by 2030 compared to 1990 levels. It aims to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.

The island of green energy is also a big deal for the rest of Europe, Østergaard said. It will be built about 80 kilometers off the west coast of the country and will connect to several European countries. It should be operational by 2033.

“In the North Sea, we have huge potential for offshore wind, 180 gigawatts in total. This means that we can actually shut down all European coal-fired power plants” and harness that green energy instead, he said. Explain.

“It’s a Danish initiative, or at least we have taken the first step. But it will, at least over time, be an international effort.”

Read more about Professor Østergaard in the video player above.


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