Denzel Washington on Jared Leto’s Method of Action


The Little Things, Denzel Washington, Jared Leto, thriller, HBO Max

In recent years, Jared Leto has built a solid reputation for playing pranks on his fellow co-stars. In turn as Joker Suicide Squad for example. While working on the David Ayer-directed film, Leto is said to have become a full-method actor by sending his cast mates outrageous gifts – a living rat and, oh yes, a dead pig. Needless to say, Leto’s not-so-secret stunt with Santa Claus didn’t work out well with the parties involved, and so it doesn’t surprise me to learn that he neglected to pull one of those non- senses while working alongside Denzel Washington and Rami Malek on the set of John Lee Hancock’s THE SMALL THINGS.

“He didn’t do any of that with me,” Washington recently spoke to USA Today about Leto’s “good boy” behavior while filming Hancock’s serial killer thriller. “Nah. He would have been visited. That wouldn’t happen.” Haha! I love the part where Washington says “He would have received a visit.” He looks like a nail-tough mobster who would have slept Leto with the fish sooner than allowed him to shoot a quick one out on set. Classic.

While Washington certainly kept an eye on Leto during production, he welcomed the opportunity to work alongside him and Malek.

“There’s a whole bunch of these young actors, and it’s fascinating to see them come up behind me,” Washington said. “Sadly, we lost one with Chad Boseman (who died of colon cancer last year). But Jared is one, obviously, and Rami does a great job. It’s inspiring and like a wake-up call. C ‘s like, I have to have my act together here. These guys aren’t playing. “

According to Washington, there was a bit of tension between him and Leto during the filming. The small things. While capturing their first scene together, the two actors stayed a good distance from each other, choosing to exchange a polite nod rather than words.

“I stayed away from him. He stayed away from me, respectfully,” Washington recalls. “We were leaning or leaning on the other side of the freeway. Literally one day we nodded on the other side of the freeway.”

Ah, but there is more to the story. Are you ready for this? Washington fully admits spying on Leto during production. “I followed him everywhere. I was outside his apartment sometimes and he didn’t know,” Washington said. “I won’t say more. I’ll put it that way, he didn’t know. Oh wow, honestly, I don’t know how to digest that last bit. I’m not sure if this is somehow a dose of her own medicine for Leto or completely out of line. Either way, the thought of Washington standing outside my house, watching my movements, makes my back shiver.

Film director John Lee Hancock also spoke to USA Today and told them about an intense interrogation scene shared between Joe Deacon of Washington, Albert Sparma of Leto and Jim Baxter of Malek. Describing the creative energy as a kind of powder keg on the go, he remembers the Washington hype factor just before entering the scene.

“Then Denzel said to me, ‘Dude, they’re jumping. I can’t wait to enter this room “” Hancock said. He said to me, ‘I feel like the old heavyweight and I watch two young dollars fight in the ring. “”

The small things is now playing in select theaters and is available on HBO Max where available. If you’re a subscriber to the service, maybe see if you can spot the intense chemistry shared between the film’s main cast.


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