Destiny 2 Cross Save has been released today: its operation and all your questions


Destiny 2 today benefits from the cross-backup feature, in anticipation of the impending extension of Shadowkeep and the free New Light version, which will be available Oct. 1. Cross Save is a system that will allow you to import your Guardians, your statistics. and your progress between Destiny 2's PC, PS4, Xbox One and Google Stadia versions, so you can continue, even if you decide to switch platforms. Bungie has published a helpful guide on cross-saving, explaining everything you might need to know. We have also summarized below for your convenience.

At what time does the backup save?

The cross – save feature will begin today, August 21st. What time is this in each region?

  • United Kingdom: 18h00 (Paris time)
  • Europe: 19h (CEST)
  • US East Coast: 13h (EDT)
  • West Coast United States: 10h (PDT)

[[[[Update: Maintenance related to cross-backup has been delayed, although we do not know for how long or if the feature is still available today. Bungie only said that more information would come in, but we have no indication of when cross-backup will be posted.]

What platforms does cross save support?

All, including the next version of Stadia.

Does this mean that you can play with friends on other platforms?

Unfortunately, if you play PlayStation 4, you still can not play with your friends on Xbox One. However, this means that if you upgrade to the Xbox One version, you do not need to create a new character. .

Can Cross Save be used to merge custodians or collections between different platforms?

No. If you have already played the game and you have exploited two characters at most on two systems, it is unfortunately not possible to gather them on the same account. Just choose a main account and transfer your backup to other systems. The same goes for Silver, so be aware of that.

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Are previous purchases transferred between systems?

No Unfortunately. Make sure to buy Shadowkeep, and all Silver, on your main system.

Can I disable Cross Save?

If you want to do it – because, perhaps, you decide that you prefer to split your backup files between systems – you can do it. Once you have done this, however, there is a 90-day wait to reactivate cross-backup. This is done to discourage account recoveries by other players.

How much does it cost?

It's totally free! When the free version of Destiny 2 from New Light is available, you can easily transfer your Guardian and everything you have between systems without spending a dime.

What impact will this have on my clans?

Your active account can only be included in one Destiny clan, which will become your clan on all the platforms you play from this account. Your active account occupies a player position in your clan directory, regardless of the number of systems on which the account is active. You will also only have access to clan teammates who are on the same platform as you at some point. The objective progress of the clan continues between the systems.


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