‘Destiny 2’ is Nerfing Shatterdive, other abilities in the mid-season patch


As a new Trials of Osiris weekend kicks off in Destiny 2, content creator Datto took to Twitter to give a bounty to anyone at Bungie who nerfs Shatterdive, or just pulls him out of the game.

What I didn’t expect was some real news being made here, as Destiny 2’s sandbox discipline manager Kevin Yanes responded to the tweet, saying that a nerf, as well as ‘other nerves, would arrive soon:

Shatterdive is the insta-kill hunter skill where they can throw a Stasis Ice Grenade and then instantly smash it for a killing blow in a fairly large AOE area around it. If executed correctly, it has practically zero backplay, and it is after already some previous nerfs, like the decrease in damage dealt to players by Stasis Crystal Shards. For this skill, it doesn’t really matter.

Destiny 2 is therefore again Shatterdive nerf, but also “a multitude of other abilities”. This will keep a promise Bungie made previously, where they want Crucible’s PvP to focus more on the shooter than on abilities. We’ve seen nerfs in this regard, like Icarus Dash, and in the past for Hunter Dodge, although I suspect it could get hit again.

What other abilities might be on the table? It looks like a pretty massive rebalance patch, so even though we’re out of the ‘Stasis is ruining everything’ era, I’m guessing:

  • Warlock Stasis Turrets
  • Warlock Rift
  • Souls of the Warlock Bow
  • Titans dune walkers
  • Dodge hunter
  • Maybe longer ability cooldowns for PvP in particular

And I can’t even begin to guess what great supers may be due for a nerf now, but probably a few.

The 30th Anniversary patch on December 7 will add all of this content to the game, the new free six-party activity, the paid dungeon and more, but this is the first time I’ve heard that it will also be a bigger patch for the game. balance. I’m also expecting at least some level of mid-season refreshments, like the ones we’ve already heard about (10 new Transmog Bounties activated), but I hope there are more that they have not yet discussed.

Glad to see Bungie communicate about this early on, but that means Shatterdive in particular, as well as things like the Warlock-Stag-Arc-Soul meta will continue to be in place for the next couple of months, which some players may not. not be thrilled About. But I understand that it turns into a much bigger patch if there’s a multitude of abilities that are going to be affected, and these changes can all play against each other.

For now, Hunters, keep diving. For all others, do not approach within 40 feet of the hunters. Here is.

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