Destiny 2 Seasons will get a fortnite style battle pass


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Bungie continues to detail the major changes ahead with the start of the third year of Destiny 2 and the launch of Shadowkeep, her next development. We already knew that Bungie was reshaping the upscale Eververse and the various cosmetic rewards you were getting. We now have a better idea of ​​how you are going to win a lot of the rewards that came from Eververse, as well as other interesting equipment, in the next seasons of the game.

In a new blog post, director Luke Smith introduced the new Season Pass system to next year. In the last two years of Destiny, players have purchased an annual Pass including three new content seasons: new activities and new stories, new exotic weapons and new cosmetic equipment. In the third year, you will purchase a season ticket for each new season for $ 10, and it will work like the Battle Pass system used in Fortnite or Apex Legends.

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Starting in the eternal season, launched as part of the $ 40 Shadowkeep Expansion (and included in the price), you will now be working on a season rank, which looks exactly like the Battle Pass in Fortnite. When you complete activities and bonuses, you will earn points for your season rank, regardless of whether you paid the season pass or not. Increase your rank and you will regularly get new drops including two exotic weapons, new finishers, emotes and armor. You'll get more rewards faster if you pay – including an exotic weapon with your first season rank – but you can get multiple rewards even if you play without paying with the free New Light version of Destiny 2.

The system does not sound too different from the old Destiny 2 seasonal engram system, which offered random referrals to players who paid their annual subscription throughout the season, as you increased the level of your character. The difference here is that the declines will not be random, and that there is a way for players who do not buy. There are 100 levels to win in each Season Pass, writes Smith, and Bungie is considering letting you buy ranks for the end of the season if you're lagging behind and want to pick up rewards that you have not got no time to win playing.

Here is the summary provided by Smith on the free and premium songs of Shadowkeep and Season of the Undying.

Premium Membership Includes:

  • New seasonal activity, the Vex offensive, which includes:
    • Four drops of legendary weapons
    • Additional weekly and daily premiums
    • Extra weekly challenges with powerful rewards
  • A new quest for weapons for an exotic arc, Leviathan's breath
  • A new exotic handgun, the wish of Eriana
  • Three sets of seasonal legendary armor (one for each class)
    • All sets are unlocked at rank 1
  • Three universal sets of ornament armors (one for each class)
  • Exotic weapon ornament for the wish of Eriana
  • Two legendary weapon ornaments
  • New finisher
  • Exotic Emote
  • Exotic ship
  • All about the free level, but faster

Free subscription included:

  • The wish of Eriana
    • Awarded at rank 35 of the free track
  • Three sets of seasonal legendary armor (one for each class)
    • Collect a full set in the first 25 rows of the free track
  • Two legendary weapons
  • Best of the Year 2 Bright Engrams
  • Glimmer and upgrade modules

All players get:

  • Patrol the destination of the moon
  • The mission of opening of Shadow guard
  • Two new strikes
  • Crucible Updates (which I've talked about in [link to previous Director’s Cut])
  • Two PvP cards from the D1 era back: Widow's Court and Twilight Gap.
  • Elimination in crucible laboratories
  • Customizing the version of Armor 2.0
  • Eye of the lord of the door, seasonal artifact
  • New finishers
  • Two new Pinnacle weapons: one for Gambit and one for Crucible


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