Destiny 2: The Revelry Guide


The Revelry is the first ever spring event Destiny 2. It's a celebration of life in the world of Destiny, and Bungie's filled with flowers the Tower. Eva Levante, the seller of events, is also back with a new activity: the green forest.

The lush forest is similar to the haunted forest of the Festival of the Lost last year, but Bungie has changed some rules. To annoy you, you can win Arbalest, a new Exotic Kinetic linear fusion rifle – the first of its kind.

The Revelry will take place from April 16th to May 7th.

What is The Revelry?


The Revelry focuses on the lush green forest, a brighter and happier version of the haunted forest dating back to last October.

However, the green forest works differently from the haunted forest. Instead of getting into a boss battle after killing a number of enemies, you and your team of firefighters will travel indefinitely into the lush green forest.

You start with four minutes and save time for each enemy killed. When you run out of time, you will have to face five leaders in a row. For every leader you manage to kill, you will have a chest. You determine how long you have to finish the boss race. You will save time for the bosses in all areas of the Verdant Forest where you move.

When you eliminate waves of enemies in the green forest, they become more and more difficult. The resurrection brings you back to the beginning of the region and it may take a while to get back to where you were before you died.

There are also special branches that generate a vault instead of moving into a new branch. These chests allow you to gain extra time for each player who takes the treasure and essence of Reveler, which you can use to buy items from Eva.

Where should I start The Revelry?

The first thing to do in the tower is to talk to Eva Levante, standing near Ikora in It's a mess. She will prepare you with Reveler's Tonic and 50 Reveler's Essence. Accessing the Tonic in your menu gives you the choice: for 50 Essences, you can greatly reduce the cooldown of your melee, grenade or class ability. We recommend that you choose the pomegranate boost. This buff lasts one hour and works in all activities, including the Crucible.

After selecting a buff, talk to Eva again and she will give you a bonus to face the new green forest. Once you have completed his bonus, you will open his full inventory of weekly and daily bonuses.

What can I win in The Revelry?

Bungie via Polygon

As usual, there is a host of cosmetic items that you can buy at Tess at the Eververse store. There are also new sets of armor – one from Eva and one from Tess – that enhance the effectiveness of your tonics.

The most important reward to look for is Arbalest, the new Exotic Kinetic linear fusion rifle., Eva's final reward. This will cost you 300 Reveler Essence and will ask you to complete seven of Revelry's 10 triumphs. If you complete the ten triumphs, you will get a unique player emblem.

Besides Arbalest, Revelry's main award is Revelry's inaugural armor game. For each piece you wear, you increase the power of your Tonic (to an unknown extent). Some of the Triumphs for The Revelry require that you wear at least four pieces of armor during an activity.

If you complete activities during The Revelry, you'll earn the essence of Reveler. You will need 50 Essences each time you want to apply a Tonic buff. For 75 Essence, Eva will sell you a gift called a Assortments of Reveler.

According to Bungie, Reveler's assortments can deposit a selection of items such as reinforcement hearts and special ornaments for the Revelry helmet. In our box, we won a chest piece of The Revelry.

For a guide on how to grind the essence of Reveler, check out our Arbalest guide.


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