Details PlayStation 5: PS5 and VR, backward compatibility PS4, SSD, etc.


Sony unveiled the first details of its next generation console in an interview with Wired. In the interview, Mark Cerny, the main system architect of the PlayStation 4, talked about working on the successor of the PS4, probably called PlayStation 5, but this has not been confirmed.

In the interview, Cerny confirmed that the new generation PlayStation relies in part on the PS4 architecture, which means that it is backwards compatible. Cerny also revealed that it was not an entirely digital device and that he would accept physical drives. The Wired article describes the transition from PS4 to PS5, as Cerny says, as being "sweet," adding that many games will be marketed on both PS4 and the next-gen console. The description of a smooth transition indicates that the PS5 will be an iteration on the PS4, instead of being radically different from the way the PS3 was from its predecessor.

The chip will house an AMD chip with a processor based on the third generation Ryzen. It will have eight 7-nanometer Zen-chip cores. Although the console supports 8K, the display at this resolution will depend on the TV catch-up.

The graphics will be driven by a customized version of Radeon's Navi line. This graphics chip will support ray tracing, which is starting to become popular in movies and video games. Although this is traditionally thought of as a lighting technique, Cerny says there are implications beyond creating realistic environments.

"If you want to do tests to see if the player can hear some audio sources or if enemies can hear his steps, ray tracing is useful for that," he said. "It's quite the same as taking a radius through the environment."

In fact, audio is one of the main improvements that Cerny would like to talk about. The AMD chip will enable 3D audio, which, according to Cerny, is essential for immersing players deeper. This has naturally led to discussions on PlayStation VR and, although Cerny has not confirmed the release of a new version of the Sony headset, the existing one will be supported.

"I will not go into the details of our virtual reality strategy … beyond saying that virtual reality is very important to us and that the current PSVR headset is compatible with the new console", a- he confirmed.

The next time the next PlayStation will leap forward, she goes through her hard drive. According to Cerny, the developers have informed Sony what they were looking for in the new hardware, unlike the slower equivalents used in current consoles. These SSDs are relatively common in laptops, and what Sony brings to the next PlayStation is described as being specialized for hardware.

Cerny demonstrated the change that a SSD drive introduced into the game by comparing an Insomniac Spider-Man load sequence on a standard PS4 Pro and a next-generation PlayStation development kit. In the first case, it was about 15 seconds, while in the latter case it was 0.8 seconds. Cerny added that this also has implications for how the world can be rendered, which affects the speed with which Spidey can move around the world. On new hardware, the camera moves much faster in the city because it is able to meet the rendering requirements.

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About the SSD, Cerny said, "The raw read speed is important, but the details of the [input-output] mechanisms and the stack of software that we put on them. I have a PlayStation 4 Pro, then an SSD that costs as much as the PlayStation 4 Pro. This could be a third faster. "

The shared architecture between PS4 and PS5 naturally creates the way for the games being developed on the first to appear on the second. One of these games is Death Stranding, developed by the creator of Metal Gear, Hideo Kojima, and the team of Kojima Productions. In the interview, Cerny was asked how Death Stranding was inserting into Sony's plans on the PS5 aimed at getting intergenerational versions, and would have smiled, before a spokesperson would get himself be content to repeat that the game would arrive on PS4. Obviously, this is not clear what Sony's plans are, but could possibly be a match, given the context.

Cerny did not provide any details on the services offered, nor did it provide a more general overview of PlayStation's vision for the next generation of games. Instead, he focused on the bare essentials of his equipment. It is currently difficult to know when the console will be fully unveiled. Traditionally, Sony debuted on its new PlayStation at E3, but the company will not hold its regular press conference this year. This leaves PlayStation Experience, one of its new State of Play streams, similar to Nintendo Direct, or a standalone PS5 ad event as a possibility, which assumes it plans to unveil the PlayStation 5 this year.

It is also unclear when Sony plans to launch the PS5. In May 2018, John Kodera, head of PlayStation at Sony, said the new PlayStation would be three years late. "We will use the next three years to prepare for the next stage," he said, "for us to squat so that we can jump higher in the future."

Although Sony's plans are not yet clear, those of Microsoft are starting to appear. The company is scheduled to hold a press conference on E3 this year, and Xbox head Phil Spencer announced that she was going to become "as big as ever at E3". In 2018, Microsoft confirmed that a new Xbox was in development and we expect to see this new generation console at E3 2019. More immediately, it has been suggested that a new Xbox One S fully digital announced soon. . As its name suggests, this new console would not accept physical drives designed for download and streaming.


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