Dev Patel and Joel Edgerton on The Green Knight the “Summer Of Dev”


Green Knight's Dev Patel and Joel Edgerton gaze into the distance wistfully.

Green Knight’s Dev Patel and Joel Edgerton gaze into the distance wistfully.
Photo: A24

Summer 2021 might not turn out to be the vaccinated bacchanal we all hoped for, but at least we still have The green knight. A long-awaited A24 / David Lowery take on the legend of Sir Gawain, the film hits theaters on July 30, featuring critics like our own AA Dowd calling it a “spectacular mood piece.”

Perhaps the most exciting for many fans is the prospect of spending some screen time with Sir Gawain himself, Dev Patel. It’s something A24 played, releasing teen beat arthurian icon ‘hot knight’ style posters, complete with brooding poses and sketchy signature. The cult movie t-shirt site Super Yaki even dubbed the summer of 2021 alternately “Summer Of Dev” and “Dev Patel Summer”, producing a Green knight themed shirt for this purpose.

But how will Dev Patel spend their “Dev Patel Summer”? As we found out in the video interview below, he doesn’t go down to San Tropez or drink spicy margaritas. On the contrary, he “celebrates summer by being in the Adelaide rain” and “puts together a movie in a garage”. While he seems happy to know people live it up in his honor, he still hasn’t seen his own version of this shirt, so hang it on, Super Yaki.

As for the way Sir Gauvain spends his, uh, cold Gauvain winter seeking honor in The green knightPatel tells us in the video that the film is about “a young man’s journey to integrity” and “dealing with issues of inheritance and ambition, but at what cost? Patel says Gwain’s question is also no different from acting life “in the industry, in terms of what you do, what you do it for and the sacrifices you have to make,” as well as “what does that mean at the end of the day.”

There’s more of Patel in the clip above, as well as a little note from Joel Edgerton on some of The green knightis more trippy elements and plays on reality.

The green knight opens in theaters July 30.


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