Developer beautifully remastering Mac OS X wallpapers in 6K and P3 color


Developer Rafael Conde beautifully remastered several Mac OS X wallpapers in full 6K resolution and updated them to be compatible with the full P3 color gamut. The wallpaper collection includes Aurora wallpapers from Leopard and Snow Leopard, as well as galaxy wallpapers from Lion and Mountain Lion.

You can download the wallpapers for your iPhone, iPad or Mac from the exquisite name website. The website even plays the iconic “Exodus Honey” in the background when browsing the wallpapers. If you don’t know, “Exodus Honey” is the song that plays over the intro video on newer Macs running Mac OS X Leopard and Mac OS X Snow Leopard.

Rafael explains how he updated the wallpapers: “I found the original versions of the wallpapers, scaled them using machine learning, applied color space P3, Machine Learning to reduce noise, then manually edited them to more closely match how I remembered them. . It’s not perfect, but it was the best I could do.

Rafael salutes Stephen Hackett at 512 pixels. Hackett previously found all original wallpapers for every major version of Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X and updated them to 5K resolution.

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