Developer preview DirectStorage now on PC, also supports Windows 10


Microsoft had promised that the DirectStorage API, first launched with Xbox Series S | X consoles, would launch in a developer preview for PC this summer. That promise was kept last Friday when the first preview kit was delivered to game developers who had subscribed to the NDA Developer Preview program.

Interestingly, however, Microsoft reversed its previous decision to make DirectStorage only available on Windows 11. Program manager Hassan Uraizee explained:

Windows 11 will be required to run DirectStorage on PC

Microsoft is committed to making sure that when game developers embrace a new API, they can reach as many gamers as possible. As such, games built with the DirectStorage SDK will be compatible with Windows 10, version 1909 and later; The same as DirectX 12 Agility SDK.

The functionality of DirectStorage can be divided into:

  • The new DirectStorage API programming model which provides a DX12-style batch submit / complete call model, relieving applications of the need to individually manage thousands of I / O requests / notifications from completion per second
  • GPU decompression providing super-fast asset decompression for load time and streaming scenarios (coming in a later preview)
  • Storage Stack Optimizations: On Windows 11, this is an upgraded operating system storage stack that unlocks the full potential of DirectStorage, and on Windows 10, games will still benefit from using more efficient legacy operating system storage stack.

This means that any game built on DirectStorage will benefit from the new programming model and GPU decompression technology on Windows 10, version 1909 and later. Additionally, since Windows 11 was designed with DirectStorage in mind, games running on Windows 11 benefit more from new storage stack optimizations. The implementation of API execution and GPU decompression technology are provided through the DirectStorage SDK and shipped with your game. As a game developer, you only need to implement DirectStorage once in your engine, and any applicable benefits will be automatically applied and scaled appropriately for gamers.

It may take some time for a game to take advantage of the IO API, but the developer at Metro 4A Games believes it will be of great benefit to PC gaming as a whole.


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