DeVos criticizes the media on the "shameful" coverage of Special Olympics cuts


State Secretary for Education, Besty DeVos, criticized the media on Wednesday, accusing media outlets of reporting "falsehoods" about her department's plan to cut funding. Special Olympics.

"It is unacceptable, shameful and counter-productive that the media and some members of Congress have falsified the lies and completely misrepresented the facts," DeVos said in a statement.

"Make no mistake: we strive every day to raise expectations and improve outcomes for infants and toddlers, children and youth with disabilities, and we are committed to addressing the issues that hinder their success" she continued.


DeVos drew attention to the $ 13.2 billion in federal grants to states for special education.

The Subcommittee of the Chamber of Deputies criticized the secretary for reducing federal funding for sports competition for young people and adults with disabilities by nearly $ 18 million, while calling for an increase of 60 millions of dollars from charter school funding.

She said that she had "personally supported" the Special Olympics, but added that it could also be supported by philanthropy. According to the records, the Special Olympics received $ 17.6 million from the Department of Education this year.

In her statement, she stated that the organization was collecting more than $ 100 million a year and that there are dozens of worthy non-profit organizations that support students and adults with disabilities who do not receive a penny of federal subsidy. "

"But given current fiscal realities, the federal government can not fund all programs worthy of interest, especially those with strong support from private donations."


Meanwhile, US Senator Roy Blunt, R-Mo., Who chairs the Senate Subcommittee on Budget Allocations, said Wednesday that the proposed cuts would not be approved.

"I am a long time supporter of the Special Olympics and I am proud that Missouri is home to the world's largest training center for the Special Olympics," said Blunt in a statement, according to Washington. Times. "I was just at the World Games and I saw, as I have often said, what a huge impact the organization has on the athletes, their families and their communities." Ministry of Education's Appropriations Act will not reduce funding for the program. "

Last week, Blunt attended the 2019 Summer Special Olympics, held in Abu Dhabi, announced Roll Call.

DeVos is expected to present its budget to the Blunt panel on Thursday.

Associated Press contributed to this report.


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