Diablo 2 resurrected and offline again this weekend of October 10


After yesterday’s Diablo 2 Resurrected server crash, it looks like players are having trouble again! Several Diablo 2 Resurrected crash reports surfaced this October 10, making it the second day in a row that the action-RPG’s servers have taken action.

Diablo 2 Risen Down reports this October 10:

Update: Blizzard has acknowledged that there are issues affecting authentication servers.

We will update the post as new news develops.

For now, the official Blizzard Customer Support the account has yet to hit any downtime, although we would expect this to change given the influx of inbound reports.

On the game’s subreddit, several players confirmed the server crash:

Diablo offline server again

Similar to yesterday, we’ll update the post throughout the day as more reports from Blizzard are released. So make sure to constantly refresh the page for the latest update. We’ll post updates at the top and in the title, so people know if new developments are available.

Like in yesterday’s post, please share if the game works for you (or not), and what platform you are on and where you are. This is how we know if the game is down for a specific part of the world, or for everyone.


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