Dick's Sporting Goods checks if he should stop selling firearms


"We had a conversation about it," CEO Ed Stack told CNN Business earlier this year. "At the time, we thought it was part of our DNA and we had to stay in. So many people in the country are law-abiding citizens who use firearms to hunt, to be entertained. do not think so, was right to leave the company completely. "

It could change. Dick's, one of the largest arms retailers in the country, quietly tested the water to determine if it stopped completely from what it called the "hunt" trade, including the fire arms. An announcement with the results of the test is expected Thursday, at the time of publication of the quarterly results.

America is again discussing gun control after a recent round of gunfire, including August 3 at a Walmart store in El Paso, Texas. The debate has attracted a new review on the legal sale of firearms.

When Walmart (WMT) On August 15, President and Chief Executive Officer Doug McMillon announced that the group would support tougher firearms measures without approving a specific plan.

But Dick's is the general retailer to have made so far the loudest public statement about gun sales.

Two weeks after the shooting in the park on February 14, 2018, Dick's decided to forgo the sale of assault rifles frequently used in large-scale shootings, as well as large-capacity magazines allowing a person to shoot more balls without taking time. to recharge. He also raised the age of 18 for the sale of firearms.
A horrible shootout in a school was the last straw for Dick's Sporting Goods CEO
Rather than selling his inventory of rifles to another retailer, Dick's weapons were destroyed. And she hired lobbyists to work on gun safety and control issues. The actions have been praised by opponents of gun control and the anger of gun enthusiasts. The reaction probably affected the sale of guns that Dick continued to sell. As a test, last fall of Dick stopped selling all hunting equipment, including firearms, in 10 stores. He replaced the guns with other products, such as the clothes of a local sports team and other popular items.

The experiment was a success. "These stores have far exceeded the balance of the chain," said Stack.

Earlier this year, the company removed the hunting business from an additional 125 stores, leaving sales in about 600 stores.. The company said it would study the impact on overall store sales for these 125 stores and complete its review by August. The company declined to comment on the status of this review before the announcement of Thursday's results.

Firearm sales have generally declined in recent years.

American brands from outside (AOBC), the largest gun manufacturer and manufacturer of Smith & Wesson, said sales had dropped 33% for the year ending April 2018 over the previous year, before rising 5 % in the last year. Sturm Ruger & Co. (RGR) saw a 21% drop in sales in 2017 and another 5% last year. Other smaller arms manufacturers have also reported declines. Remington filed for bankruptcy in April 2018.

During the administration of President Barack Obama, the fear that the government is attacking sales of guns has boosted sales. But under President Donald Trump, who was elected with the support of the National Rifle Association, these fears were appeased – and with them gun sales declined. The FBI 's background checks used for the purchase of firearms, a measure of sales, decreased by 5% last year compared to 2016, the last year of the year. Obama administration.

"It's a good deal," Stack told CNN Business earlier this year. "It's not a good deal."


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