Dick's Sporting Goods continues to spit on the faces of its gun clientele


Well, I guess the fact that Dick's Sporting Goods is considering cutting back on firearm sales because of recent mass shots is not totally shocking. The chain has supported outbreaks for gun control. They ended the AR-15's sales on their sites, including the much smaller chain of Field and Stream after shooting Parkland. These changes have had an impact on sales, but the chain has already begun to slowly siphon off gun sales that began in March. So this move is really comparable to the course (via CBS Pittsburgh):

Dick's Sporting Goods planned to stop all firearm sales in early 2018. A shootout at Parkland High School in Florida killed 17 people. And the company was shocked.

"We had a conversation about that," CEO Ed Stack told CNN Business earlier this year. "At the time, we felt that it was part of our DNA and we should stay in his. So many people in the country are law-abiding citizens who use guns to hunt for recreational purposes. We did not think it was fair to leave the company completely. "

It could change. Dick's, one of the country's largest arms retailers, quietly tested water to determine whether to completely withdraw from the so-called "hunting" trade, including firearms . An announcement with the results of the test is expected Thursday, at the time of publication of the quarterly results.

America is again discussing gun control after a recent round of gunfire, including August 3 at a Walmart store in El Paso, Texas. The debate has attracted a new review on the legal sale of firearms.

On August 15, Chief Executive Doug McMillon said Walmart had announced benefits, while supporting stronger firearms measures, without endorsing a specific plan.

But Dick's is the big retailer to have made the strongest public statement to date on gun sales.

The local point of sale noted something that could also affect the decision, namely the fact that gun sales are down. The FBI's background checks are down 5% from the last year of the Obama administration. The Obama White House and the possibility of a Hillary Clinton presidency have boosted sales, fearing an all out assault against the second amendment. The former first lady and now two-time presidential loser had made remarks criticizing Heller's historic decision, calling it an error. She made a face, but if there's one thing you know about Hillary, you can not trust any democrats in gun rights.

While Donald Trump won a historic victory, it was great for the country and for the rights of the Second Amendment, but the feeling of fear and urgency had fallen as well as sales. That could change in the 2020 cycle, but for the moment, a pro-gun sporting goods chain could be destroying its gun department, which it was already testing before the recent tragic shootings of Dayton and El Paso.

UPDATE: They say their incomes are rising with respect to information that they could spit at the face of their gun clientele (via The Hill):

Dick's Sporting Goods has announced an increase in its profits following constant pressure from the company to remove firearms from stocks of some of its stores.

Outdoor sports and recreation retailer reported a 3.2% increase in sales nationwide, which the company attributes to strong e-commerce, in-store sales and sales performance while noting in a revenue report that the company was pursuing strategic review of its operations. to chase business. "

The company said its net sales for the second quarter of 2019 were up 3.8% and its consolidated store sales by 3.2%, compared to a 4% decline for store sales in the same quarter. 'last year.


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