Dick's Sporting Goods would explore the end of gun sales | American News


One of the largest US arms retailers is reportedly investigating the possibility of ending firearms sales and withdrawing completely from the company.

Earlier this year, Dick's Sporting Goods announced that it was withdrawing firearms, ammunition and firearm accessories from 125 of its declining stores and announced that it would study the impact on overall performance.

Now, the company, which has more than 720 stores across the United States, is currently testing to determine if it should be completely removed from the hunting category, reports CNN.

The company is expected to share the test results publicly on Thursday, during which it will also announce its quarterly results.

This decision came as the gun control debate resumed following recent shooting at El Paso (Texas) and Dayton (Ohio) earlier this month and at Gilroy in northern California. July.

This is not the first time the company has thought about this idea. By early 2018, the company was planning to stop gun sales after the deadly shooting at high school that had killed 17 people in Parkland, Florida, after it was revealed that the young gunman had bought a gun at the store.

"We had a conversation about this," Ed Stack, the company's chief executive, told CNN earlier this year. "At the time, we felt that it was part of our DNA and we should stay in this one."

Although they have not completely stopped selling firearms, the company announced in February 2018 that it would stop selling assault rifles, ordering the destruction of its stock as well as high capacity stores. She also raised the minimum age for the sale of firearms from 18 to 21 years old.

Walmart, which stopped selling assault-type weapons in 2015, also tightened its firearms and ammunition controls as a result of the Parkland shooting – raising the minimum age to 21 years and removing guns and toys from his site.

In a first test, last fall, last year, Dick's had replaced the hunting equipment of 10 of its stores with another stock and discovered that these stores "significantly outperformed the rest of the chain. ".

On Wednesday, the March for Our Life, founded by Parkland survivors, issued a policy calling for in-depth reform of gun laws in the United States.

The proposal, called a Peace Plan for a Safer America, includes a 30 per cent civilian firearms reduction plan, a call for a re-examination of the 2008 Supreme Court decision allowing private citizens to have handguns in Canada. the house and the creation of a mandatory federal buyout assault weapons scheme.

"The time has come for comprehensive and radical reform," says the report.

Polls indicate that public opinion is supportive of tighter gun control, such as universal background checks and firearms licenses, but the subject is often divided on political grounds.

The March for Our Lives wants to distract the attention of party affiliations. "This plan is not for Democrats or Republicans. It's not a party, nor a policy, but to save lives and prioritize that, "said Eve Levenson, head of federal programs for the organization.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump appears to have reiterated his earlier comments about tightening background checks on the sale of firearms.

After the assassinations of El Paso and Dayton earlier this month, he said that it was necessary to conduct a "smart background check". But after the National Rifle Association (NRA) and Republican lawmakers – including a 30-minute phone call with NRA chief executive Wayne LaPierre – he seems to have changed his mind, saying on Tuesday that the United States had already "a very good background check".


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