Did Garth Brooks get ankles for Joe Biden’s inauguration?


The presidential seat may not have been the only transplant.

When country singer Garth Brooks performed “Amazing Grace” at President Joe Biden’s inauguration, everyone was thinking the same thing: Did he have ankles?

The 58-year-old aroused suspicion after removing his cowboy hat mid-performance, revealing much denser and darker hair than what he has sported in recent years.

The ever-ruthless Twitterati was quick to wonder if Brooks had received a hair transplant or a dye job before the big concert.


“My fondest memory of #Inauguration was that Garth Brooks got new hair, ”tweeted an eagle-eyed watcher with a photo of the musician’s heavily wooded head.

<br /> Garth Brooks performs at the inauguration of U.S. President Joe Biden on the Western Front of the U.S. Capitol on January 20, 2021 in Washington, DC.  (Getty Images) “/></source></source></picture></div>
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Garth Brooks performs at the inauguration of U.S. President Joe Biden on the Western Front of the U.S. Capitol on January 20, 2021 in Washington, DC. (Getty Images)

“They forgot to swear in Garth Brooks’ hair transplant,” another joked.

Indeed, the photos from 2012 show the mane of the singer of “Papa Loved Mama” which seems noticeably more vaporous and clearer than the dark locks he rocked at the inaugural party.

Still, others didn’t seem embarrassed that the Grammy winner might have sported more takes than his guitar amplifier.

“Someone has to say it. Garth Brooks has great ankles,” wrote one supporter of the lush locks.

And in the realm of dye disasters, Brooks ‘hair is a far cry from that of Donald Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani, whose recent bronzer merger has given new meaning to the phrase’ race for the town hall”.


Brooks has yet to comment on whether or not he has stayed true to his roots.

However, cosmetic issues were the least of the Country Music Hall of Famer’s concerns before the inauguration. Following the invitation of First Lady Jill Biden, Brooks received a reaction from Trump supporters, who wondered why a Republican country singer was performing at the inauguration ceremony for a Democratic president.

Speaking to the media, the country icon described his appearance as “how I can serve this country”.

“This is not a political statement,” said Brooks, who has performed at almost every opening since Jimmy Carter in 1977 (with the exception of Ronald Reagan and Trump). “It is a declaration of unity.”


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