Did Meghan Markle help Prince Harry and Prince William put an end to their feud?


It seems that the quarrel between Princes Harry and William has finally ended – and that this could be due to Meghan Markle, who tried to "calm the game" between the brothers. Will there finally be an end to the gossip that the two do not hear?

Meghan Markle Prince Harry Prince William Kate Middleton attend events to mark the centenary of the RAF
Meghan Markle Prince Harry Prince William Kate Middleton | Max Mumby / Indigo / Getty Images

Meghan Markle would have kept the peace

The news of the quarrel between the two brothers has calmed down a bit and that may have been done by Markle. Royal correspondent Emily Andrews said the duchess was trying to restore their relationship.

Andrews told Yahoo United Kingdom The royal box: "Of all the people I talked to, I realized that it was Harry and William who were having trouble and scrambled."

She added, "Someone actually said that it was Meghan who
had tried to make peace, [she] had tried to calm things between Harry and
William. I think she has a very good influence on Harry. "

Middleton played a role in the brothers repairing their relationship

It has also been reported that Middleton helped Markle to keep peace in peace. Andrews told Fabulous Digital: "I would say that Kate and Meghan tried to mediate with the brothers."

She added, "Things are much better now, now they have separated
their homes and the foundation will also separate. Things went wrong
last year, but I think that a little distance between the two brothers at a time
personally and professionally helped. "

The friendly relationship between Middleton and Prince Harry would also have eased tensions, as one palace insider told Mirror Online: "The Duchess and Harry have built very close ties over the years. Kate is perfectly aware of the importance of the good agreement between William and Harry, not only because of their perception, but of their collective responsibility towards the monarchy as a whole. "

Another source added: "Harry acted as counsel for his
brother throughout the more turbulent years of William and Kate, and the three
they then formed the most formidable partnership. "

Middleton reportedly asked Harry to extend an "olive branch" to William, and the brothers corrected their fault. Harry and Meghan invited William and Middleton to visit Frogmore House after the Easter service.

Markle and Middleton put an end to their enmity?

It has never been clear whether there is a real gap between Markle and Middleton, although the clash between the duchesses has persisted.

Andrews said the women were actually civil with each other, noting, "I think it's certainly fair to say that Meghan and Kate are very different women."

She added, "Kate and Meghan are both professional, they know they have to hear and they are also sisters-in-law, they do not have to be best friends, and apparently they play." set at Scrabble at Christmas in Sandringham. . "

Rumors about the quarrel may be a little worse for now, but it is still possible that the gossip recommences.


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