Did Prince Harry and Prince William disagree on any other points than Meghan Markle?


Prince William and Prince Harry grew up in front of the world. In many ways, the world still sees them as young boys who have lost their mothers. It is difficult to imagine them as men struggling with a power struggle. Instead, the media blames the tension on their wives: Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle. And as Markle is the newcomer, the Duchess born in America is largely responsible. But is this a fair hypothesis or do we have the whole wrong story?

Why are there rumors of a royal feud?

Royal family
From left to right: Prince William, Prince Charles, Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton | Paul Grover- WPA Pool / Getty Images

When Prince Harry introduced Markle into the family for the first time, everyone thought that they would be the "four fabulous". However, it quickly became clear that this would not happen so when Prince Harry and Markle announced that they were separating Kensington Palace.

Due to space issues, Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan decided that Frogmore Cottage would be a better option for their household than Kensington Palace. But the royal observers quickly said they were moving because Markle and Middleton just could not get along.

Over time, rumors of a quarrel continued to follow the young royals, no matter how many people insisted that they heard each other well. The story of Middleton, when the traditional Englishman was rising, and Markle, the modern American celebrity, who were fighting each other was too good for the tabloids to ignore. Fans of the royal family could not get enough of the drama.

The quarrel between Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton or Prince Harry and Prince William?

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This morning, the son of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor, was baptized in the private chapel of Windsor Castle during an intimate service chaired by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are so happy to share the joy of this day with members of the public who have been incredibly supportive since the birth of their son. They thank you for your kindness to welcome their firstborn and celebrate this special moment. Their Royal Highnesses feel lucky to have enjoyed this day with family and with Archie's godparents. Their son, Archie, was baptized by wearing the replica by hand of the royal baptismal gown worn by royal babies for 11 years. The original royal baptismal gown, made of fine Honiton lace lined with white satin, was commissioned by Queen Victoria in 1841 and was worn for the first time by her eldest daughter. It was then worn by generations of royal baptisms, including the queen, her children and grandchildren, until 2004, when the queen ordered this replica by hand, to preserve the historic garment. fragile and perpetuate the tradition. Photo credit: Chris Allerton © ️SussexRoyal

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The media loved the story of two duchesses opposed one to the other, but evidence quickly proved that the quarrel could be between their husbands. At first we learned that Prince William had not supported Prince Harry in his dealings with Markle.

According to a Vanity Fair source: "Harry felt that William was not rolling out the red carpet for Meghan and had told him. They had a small problem that was only solved when Charles stepped in and asked William to make an effort. "

Now, this particular argument seems to have run its course, but rumors of tension persist between the two brothers.

Does the royal quarrel concern Meghan Markle?

The arguments may have begun with Markle, but they were probably only a symptom of the underlying tension between two brothers who are struggling with a power struggle. If Markle had not been there, the arguments might have started on another problem.

In one way or another, Prince William and Prince Harry will have to go beyond their arguments. If it's not for themselves, then for the sake of the royal family. But fixing a fault is never easy. It remains to be seen if they can solve the problem before too much damage is caused.


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