Did Samantha Markle ever apologize to Meghan Markle?


Whatever the case may be, it seems that royal fans are constantly hearing about the drama that is going on between Meghan Markle and her family. The Duchess of Sussex remained strong through all this, always appearing at events and engagements with a happy smile, and not publishing any public statements about what was going on.

In fact, she absolutely did not react to the drama, even though it did not stop Samantha Markle from continuing her behavior. Since Meghan announced her engagement with Prince Harry, Samantha, who lives in Ocala, Florida, has not kept quiet. At one point, Samantha even went so far as to mock Meghan, calling her "duchass" when she received her royal title.

Now that baby Archie has finally arrived, Samantha launches into a new speech – this time she wants the Markle family to be part of Archie's life. As the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have not answered this question, it is unclear whether they intend to do so. This leaves a lot to wonder if Samantha has already apologized to Meghan.

Is Samantha Markle jealous?

Meghan Markle
Meghan Markle | Chris Jackson / Getty Images

Many fans think so. We apparently do not know any reason for their breakup, and some fans have wondered what Samantha is exactly trying to accomplish with her negative behavior. At one point, it was thought that she was trying to convince Meghan to contact her, and she tried to access Kensington Palace, to be denied by security. After months of incessant behavior, many people suspect Samantha of being definitely jealous of her younger sister, which is why the behavior has not stopped.

Did the media really worsen the situation between Meghan Markle and Samantha Markle?

According to Samantha, they did it, although that may not be really the case. Samantha blames the media for the flaw she has with Meghan, but it does not really make sense. Although she did not receive an invitation to the royal wedding, something about which she did not hide her feelings, Samantha said so many negative things about Meghan that they quarrel can not be the fault of anyone but of his own.

Does Samantha Markle want to be part of Baby Archie's life?

It seems that is the case. The whole world was anxiously awaiting the birth of the baby royal and now that he has arrived, Samantha has expressed his desire to end the tragedy of the Markle family and restore family relationships. Royal fans are aware that even Meghan's father, Thomas Markle Sr., is extremely disappointed not to have been invited to meet his new grandson, and Samantha also hopes to change that.

Did Samantha Markle ever apologize to Meghan Markle?

Although Samantha apologized during a television interview, it still did not result in Meghan's response. It is quite possible that the damage has already been done and that Meghan and Harry are gone and do not wish to be reconciled with Samantha.

At the moment, Archie is at the center of their concerns and they are doing all they need to be extraordinary parents. Meghan is at the beginning of a new and wonderful stage in her life, and she has the support not only of Harry, but also of her mother, Doria Ragland, members of the royal family and many friends. With so much love around her, it is unlikely that Meghan wants to risk letting Samantha affect her negatively, as well as the newborn. It seems that it is too late.


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