Did Samsung just leave a clue about its future foldable phones?


Samsung has taken the lead in the foldable phone niche. He brought the idea to life in two different form factors. Many expect Samsung to have more up its sleeve. There have been rumors of multi-fold and even expandable screens that could be used for future smartphones.

Now it looks like Samsung wants to spark our imaginations. We are doing this with some renderings that show how the screens of the future can be used to improve our lives.

What a future Samsung foldable phone might look like

The renderings were posted on the Korean blog of Samsung Display, the company that provides displays for Samsung smartphones. The articles are part of a series that presents opportunities for innovation.

One such rendering shows a tri-fold panel that allows the user to have a full smartphone interface on one side and a tablet interface on the other. The hinges would allow this device to be compacted into a smartphone.

As futuristic as it sounds, it’s in the realm of the possible. Samsung has been playing with this idea for years already. The company has dozens of patents for tri-fold billboards in its arsenal. So it’s only a matter of time before you see something like this from Samsung.

The other render makes us imagine what it would be like to have a device with a roll-up screen. It appears to be a cylindrical stick from which an OLED display panel can be deployed. This is another idea that Samsung has been working on for some time now. The company also has patents for this.

It is not impossible to manufacture such a device. LG made an entire TV out of a rollable OLED panel, so the same can certainly be done on a smaller scale. It will likely be a tablet replacement as it would be absurd to carry a device like this in your pocket.

The future cannot come fast enough.


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